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Project Details

Zimbabwe Zimbabwe: Participatory Organic Research Extension and Training

Code du projet : 3CAOIAWR

Projet permanent

Frais de participation : 300 EUR (2024-07-17 08:00:02)

  • Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe
  • 18 ans et plus
  • Anglais
  • Monnaie locale: Dollar zimbabwéen (ZWD / Z$)

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Participatory Organic Research and Training (PORET). PORET Trust works with the community to address hunger, malnutrition, and poverty. The aim of PORET is to support the farmers in the low rainfall area of Chaseyama in Zimbabwe in adopting techniques and skills which are essential for them, their families and the whole area to survive and attain a sustainable, productive and healthy life situation. At Chaseyama, we have begun creating a space in which people can learn adapted techniques and methods that improve the quality of community life. And several farmers in Chaseyama have begun adopting ideas that are relevant to their own sites. We are currently planning to expand our work since the demand is growing in the face of the climate change problems we are facing today.

Volunteers on this program facilitate training and extra-curricular activities for the beneficiaries. The idea of the centre is to provide hands on training, so as to be self-reliant. The centre also addresses issues of the local communities in regard to sustainable livelihoods. Volunteers will work together with the communities in crafting strategies which have the capacity to achieve zero hunger amongst the beneficiaries as well as the surrounding communities and beyond. Volunteers will also have an opportunity to engage in indoor and outdoor games with the beneficiaries. It is basically an opportunity for international volunteers to appreciate local initiatives by the surrounding communities in their humble efforts to put hunger into the archives of history in Chimanimani.

Food will be provided and volunteers will be accommodated at the Centre. Rooms are available to individual volunteers. Volunteers with special needs like seniors/ aged, families and physically challenged will have special arrangements for their accommodations.

Chimanimani, Chirinda Forest and Hot springs

No special skills are required in this program. Basically, passion and commitment are all volunteers require to take part in this program. Development Practitioners are most welcome to this project. Volunteers with other ideas to share are most welcome