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Project Details

Slovaquie Slovaquie: Part of a change

Code du projet : PGTIWZWI

Projet permanent

Frais de participation : 0 <=> EUR (2024-07-17 08:00:02)

  • Bratislava, Slovaquie
  • Entre 18 et 30 ans
  • Anglais
  • Monnaie locale: Pays membres de la zone euro (EUR / €)

Aéroports les plus proches et prix des billets (à titre indicatif)

Gare ferroviaire la plus proche :

The project involves three volunteers from three different countries. Volunteers will be involved in various activities for 10 months.The activities include: trainings, international voluntary camps, promotional activities, administrative work, and meetings of volunteers. They will meet different groups of people on these activities - young people, students, children, seniors, socially disadvantaged, people with disabilities. They will prepare events, workshops and leisure time activities while using the methods of non-formal education. Volunteers will work on their own workshop on the topic which is current in our society and according to their own interests. All activities contain an educational part and they help with the development of volunteer's competences and skills. The project will be an important experience for volunteers and will contribute to their personal and professional growth.

Main acticities of ESC volunteers: “Tea meetings“ - the ESC volunteers may contribute with ideas for the topics of these regular meetings of volunteers; they create an invitations for our volunteers; prepare the office according to the needs for the individual meeting; preparing the material for the "tea meeting"; also we would be very happy when they would present their own country, culture and ideas. Participating and helping us with our trainings - ESC volunteers will participate on our trainings for the future campleaders. Due to their abilities, experiences and skills the volunteers may help and support us with the organization of these activities like buying materials, preparation of the program etc. We would welcome the creativity and initiative of the volunteers. Becoming the co-leader on the workcamps in Slovakia - Volunteers will participate on at least one international voluntary workcamps in Slovakia. They will put all the theoretical knowledge, which they will gain during the project, into practice in the direct contact with the group of young people from different cultures. Creating virtual workcamp - creating and leading virtual workcamp Administrative work - We would like the volunteers to help us with some administrative work like sorting and copying documents and other things. They will help a bit with shopping, going to the post office and work with our web-page and database. Organizing events for children and people with disabilities - Volunteers will create the program for the activities; promote the activities among our volunteers and motivate them to participate on these activities. The volunteers will also contribute with organizing free-time activities for people with disabilities. Promotion of voluntary work and ESC Programe - Promoting volunteering and voluntary activities among youth is always important. That is why our ESC volunteers will visit schools and run presentations and workshops mostly about volunteering. They will be also involved in our promotional team and take care about our online media such as facebook, linkedin, twiter and INEX web page on daily basis. Creating workshop - Volunteers will have opportunity to create their own workshop on the topic they choose. The theme of the workshop should be focused on the current situation in our society. The volunteers will present the workshop at workcamps, where we always have an educational part. According the topic for 2O22 - European Year of Youth The activities will be flexible and depend on the phase of the project. We will create a timetable for each individual volunteer fitting his/her skills, abilities and wishes. In case we organize the project and the volunteer is involved in, she/he is welcome to join the whole project and to help to run the activities. In case the amount of working hours is higher than usual, the volunteer will get alternative holidays.

The volunteers will be living together in the fully equipped flat only 5 minutes far from the INEX Slovakia office and 5 minutes by bus from the city center. They can find laundry facilities as well as a fully equipped kitchen.Volunteers share the room with another ESC volunteer.

Prokopova 15, Bratislava, Slovakia The ESC volunteers will be having private slovak lessons with a teacher or they will visit the language school. Slovak language belongs to Slavic group of languages. It might seem as a very difficult one, but on the other side a very beautiful one 🙂

Send your CV and motivation letter to [email protected] The project is open to volunteers coming from EU member countries only.