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Drapeau de LettonieLettonie: Biological Dimzeni Farm
Date: Projet Permanent
Code de projet: LV-RAD-LV-Groupes-DIMZENI-2021
Type de projet: Projet agricole,Projet environnemental,Projet groupes (min 5 personnes),Travail manuel
Attention, ce projet n'est accessible qu'aux groupes (min 5 participants)
Frais de participation au projet: 150 EUR

La ferme s’étend sur 11ha de terres ; 8ha sont utilisés pour les chèvres et les chevaux, le reste sert aux besoins techniques de la ferme et du jardin. On compte 5 bâtiments sur la ferme : la maison d’habitation, le sauna, la grange, les � .... Info

A propos de l'organisation locale

La ferme s’étend sur 11ha de terres ; 8ha sont utilisés pour les chèvres et les chevaux, le reste sert aux besoins techniques de la ferme et du jardin. On compte 5 bâtiments sur la ferme : la maison d’habitation, le sauna, la grange, les écuries pour les chèvres et les chevaux et le poulailler. On compte environ 20 chèvres et deux chevaux, un chien, et 4 chats à Dimzeni. Les chèvres produisent le lait et les invités de la ferme peuvent les guider deux fois par jour. Les chevaux contribuent à garder les prairies propres. Les volontaires peuvent les monter (d’abord sous surveillance, et ensuite de manière autonome). Les chats et les chiens protègent la maison des animaux nuisibles et/ou sauvages (souris, renards, cerfs...).

Mot du partenaire :

"En tant que citoyens de l’UE aux valeurs chrétiennes, nous reconnaissons que l’humanité a besoin d’une « transition écologique globale » et nous sommes « engagés dans un mode de vie qui garantit la dignité de chacun-e et réconcilie la prospérité et l’efficience économique d’une part, à la paix, l’inclusion sociale et la responsabilité environnementale d’autre part.Nous voulons prendre part à la promotion de cette nouvelle façon de penser à propos de l’être humain, de la vie, de la société et de la relation avec la nature ; nous pensons qu’il existe un besoin urgent d’éducation à l’écologie, et de revenir aux messages portés par le Gospel.
Pour atteindre ces objectifs nous avons lancé une organisation non-gouvernementale « Dimzeni ». Son but est de préserver et développer le mode de vie et la culture traditionnelle lettons, basées sur les valeurs et priorités suivantes : la personne humaine, la famille et principes chrétiens, mais aussi la compréhension et le dialogue sociale entre des groupes et des personnes différentes. Il s’agit d’apprendre à vivre librement, sobrement, et de développer sa relation à soi et à l’autre, mais aussi à la nature, via le partage des biens, de la vérité et du beau, mais aussi, d’expérimenter le monde comme le sacrement de la communion et de la coopération.
Concrètement, cela implique l’offre d’un programme éducatif sous la forme de rencontres, ateliers, conférences, jeux, cours etc … basé sur une pédagogie formelle et informelle. Si cette éducation vise différents groupes sociaux, elle vise principalement les enfants et les jeunes.
Les activités sont organisées selon le rythme du travail de la ferme, des festivals saisonniers et l’année liturgique chrétienne. Une dimension importante du projet réside dans la coopération étroite avec d’autres organisations de l’Union Européenne qui défendent les mêmes valeurs. C’est pourquoi nous sommes intéressés par la coopération avec les scouts et guides. "

Présentation du programme

Objectifs : L’objectif du projet est de découvrir les activités de la ferme, la consommation durable et d’échanger avec la population locale sur leur mode de vie et leur culture.

Tâches confiées aux volontaires : En automne 2016, il y’eut un énorme incendie dans la grange où les animaux vivent. Durant l’été dernier, la rénovation du toit a été effectuée mais il reste du travail.

Les tâches à effectuer  se divisent en trois pôles :

 Rénovation de l’écurie : isolation des fenêtres, peintures, construction de la clôture…

 Soins des animaux

 Production alimentaire : jardinage, traite des chèvres, production de fromage.

Sur le projet, la langue est l’anglais. L’allemand, le russe, l’espagnol, le polonais et le letton sont également parlés.

A propos du logement sur place

La Maison de Dimzeni, qui fait plus de 300m² fut construite dans les années 1930’. Elle fut rénovée entre 2001 et 2004 en essayant de conserver voir même de recréer le style et l’atmosphère authentiques de la Lettonie, telle qu’ils existaient 100 ans auparavant. Néanmoins, la maison dispose de tout le confort contemporain : électricité, eau courante, toilettes… mais selon des standards différents. Il y’a deux grandes chambres disponibles pour les volontaires, une cuisine commune, et une salle à manger. Lorsqu’il fait beau, les volontaires utilisent la terrasse.

A propos de l'alimentation

La nourriture est essentiellement végétarienne, certains mangent parfois de la viande et/ou du poisson. La production de lait est locale et biologique car directement issue de la ferme. Les légumes sont achetés dans le voisinage et le pain vient de la boulangerie biologique locale. Les volontaires préparent leurs repas dans la cuisine commune.

Localisation du projet

Dimzeni est une ferme biologique située au centre de la région de Zemgale, à 25km de
Jelvaga, sur la rive gauche du Svete. Le supermarché le plus près, mais aussi les écoles et autres institutions publiques se trouvent à 7km. Il y’a seulement 4 bus par jour. Le village local, Uzini, abrite 200 habitants. C’est un endroit assez reculé.

A propos des activités de loisirs possibles

Le sauna est le plus vieux bâtiment de la ferme. De manière traditionnelle, on chauffe les pierres pour chauffer la pièce, qui peut atteindre en moyenne 70°. Le taux d’humidité y est de 100%. Il faut beaucoup de bois pour chauffer, c’est pourquoi on utilise le sauna seulement une fois par semaine, et par groupe de 6. Habituellement, ce jour est le samedi.

Plusieurs instruments de musique sont disponibles dans la maison. Dimzeni organise des rassemblements de jeunes chrétiens avec des ateliers de musique et de méditation. S’il fait chaud, il est possible de se baigner dans la rivière. Les volontaires peuvent également visiter le Parc Naturel de Tervete ( Une excursion et des ateliers dans la boulangerie locale seront également organisés.


 Sac de couchage et serviettes  Maillot de bain  Chapeau/Lunettes de soleil  Vêtements de travail  Photos, objets, vêtements, instruments, chansons, ou tout ce que vous voulez pour parler de votre pays au cours d’activités interculturelles.

Informations supplémentaires sur le projet


Durée : 1 à 2 semaines

Accessibles aux groupes (5 personnes minimum _ 12 maximum)

Si légèrement plus, prévoir matelas de camps supplémentaires. 

Durant l'automne et l'hiver, les conditions de vie peuvent être difficiles. Les volontaires doivent s'y préparer.

PRIX : 15€/jour/participant

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Drapeau de LettonieLettonie: Organic Dimzeni Farm
Date: Projet Permanent
Code de projet: LV-DMZ-Organic Dimzeni Farm-1
Type de projet: Projet agricole,Projet de construction,Projet environnemental,Travail manuel
Frais de participation au projet: 225 EUR

Les citoyens européens se sont accordés pour déclarer que l’humanité avait besoin d’une « conversion écologique mondiale » et qu’ils avaient le droit de mener « une vie dig .... Info

A propos de l'organisation locale

Les citoyens européens se sont accordés pour déclarer que l’humanité avait besoin d’une « conversion écologique mondiale » et qu’ils avaient le droit de mener « une vie digne qui réconcilie prospérité économique, efficacité, sociétés pacifiques, inclusion sociale et responsabilité environnementale ». Notre partenaire local une association sans but lucratif, souhaite faire la promotion d’une nouvelle méthode de réflexion basée sur les êtres humains, la vie, la société et sa relation avec la nature. Ainsi, elle croit fermement à l’urgence d’assurer une éducation écologique fondée sur le message de l’Évangile. Elle a alors été créée dans l’objectif de conserver et de développer le mode de vie rural traditionnel letton ainsi que sa culture qui s’inscrit sur les valeurs suivantes : la personne humaine, la famille et la foi chrétienne. Elle vise, en outre, à créer un espace de dialogue exhaustif entre les différents groupes sociaux et les individus. Le but de cette association est d’expérimenter la vie en communauté, consciemment et librement, mais également de développer une relation intérieure, avec les autres et la nature tout en partageant de réelles expériences.

En pratique, le programme d’éducation comprend des réunions, ateliers, conférences, cours magistraux, jeux, cours, etc., et se construit sur une expérience pédagogique formelle et informelle. Le programme est destiné à différents groupes sociaux, mais se concentre particulièrement sur les enfants et la jeunesse. De plus, les activités sont organisées selon le rythme de travail de la ferme rurale, les festivals saisonniers et le calendrier liturgique chrétien. 

Une autre dimension majeure du projet consiste à établir une étroite collaboration avec les organisations de l’Union européenne et d’autres pays qui ont les mêmes objectifs. En somme, l’association accueille toute personne de bonne volonté. 

Présentation du programme

Notre partenaire local est une ferme biologique qui se situe en plein centre de Zemgale, à 25 km de Jelgava, sur la riche gauche de la rivière Svēte. La ferme possède onze hectares de terres dans lesquelles huit hectares sont utilisés pour la garde de chèvres et chevaux et trois hectares pour le jardin et besoins techniques de la ferme. En outre, la ferme abrite vingt-quatre chèvres, quatre chats, deux chevaux et un chien. Les invités peuvent garder les chèvres laitières deux fois par jour et monter les chevaux (d’abord sous supervision puis seuls) qui pâturent dans les prairies. Le chien et les chats protègent la maison des animaux sauvages (souris, renards, etc.) et sont chaleureux avec les humains qui le sont également. 

L’objectif est de découvrir les activités de la ferme, la consommation durable et d’échanger avec la population locale sur leur mode de vie et leur culture. 

Les volontaires pourraient participer à différentes tâches selon les périodes : 

- Réparation : blanchir les étables, isoler les fenêtres, peindre, construire une clôture ; 
- Jardinage : cultiver, couper du bois pour l’hiver ; 
- Gardiennage d’animaux : garder les chèvres, ramasser le foin (selon les conditions météo) ; 
- Production alimentaire : jardiner, traire les chèvres, produire du fromage. 

Exemple d’horaire quotidien : 

7 h :             traire les chèvres (optionnel pour les invités) 1 à 3 personnes peuvent se joindre à l’activité/préparer le petit-déjeuner. 

8 h 30 :        petit-déjeuner 

10 h :          garder les chèvres/jardiner/tâches de construction 

12 h :          préparer le déjeuner 

13 h 30 :     déjeuner 

15 h :          café ou thé 

15 h 30 :     jardinage/tâches de construction/garder les chèvres 

17 h :          préparer le dîner 

18 h 30 :     dîner 

19 h 30 :     temps libre/monter à cheval/musique/ateliers, etc. 

A propos du logement sur place

La maison d’habitation « Dimzēni » a été construite au début du 20e siècle et mesure plus de 300 mètres carrés. Elle a été rénovée en 2001-2004, mais a gardé toute son authenticité pour tenter de recréer l’atmosphère rurale lettonne d’il y a 100 ans. Les conditions de vie sont désormais bien meilleures qu’autrefois (électricité, conduite d’eau, canalisation), mais restent différentes des standards urbains. Les volontaires ont notamment une chambre et un accès aux espaces communs.

A propos de l'alimentation

Le régime alimentaire est essentiellement végétarien. Par contre, de la viande ou du poisson sont parfois au menu. De plus, les produits laitiers sont locaux et biologiques et directement issus de la ferme. L’association achète les légumes chez ses voisins et le pain provient de boulangeries locales certifiées biologiques. Les volontaires sont également invités à cuisiner. 

Localisation du projet

« Dimzēni » est une ferme biologique qui se situe en plein centre de Zemgale, à 25 km de Jelgava, sur la riche gauche de la rivière Svēte. Le magasin, l’école et les autres institutions publiques les plus proches se trouvent à 7 km et seulement 4 bus sont disponibles par jour. Le village local de Ūziņi compte quelque 200 habitants, il s’agit donc d’un endroit assez reculé.

A propos des activités de loisirs possibles

Sur le site, les volontaires pourront essayer « Le Sauna », le plus vieux bâtiment de la ferme. Les pierres sont chauffées traditionnellement afin de chauffer la pièce, qui peut ainsi atteindre une température moyenne de 70 °C et le taux d’humidité s’élève à 100 %. Le sauna nécessite beaucoup de bois pour être chauffé, c’est la raison pour laquelle la pièce est utilisée seulement une fois par semaine, habituellement le samedi, et par groupe de six. Plusieurs instruments de musique sont également disponibles dans la maison. Dimzēni organise notamment des rassemblements de jeunes chrétiens avec des ateliers de musique et de méditation. S’il fait chaud, il est possible de se baigner dans la rivière. Les volontaires peuvent aussi visiter le Parc Naturel de Tervet et une excursion ainsi que des ateliers dans la boulangerie locale sont parfois organisés en fonction des périodes.


L’association est à la recherche de personnes motivées et désireuses de profiter d’une vie simple dans un environnement naturel et qui n’ont pas peur de découvrir les techniques agricoles traditionnelles.

Informations supplémentaires sur le projet

Les frais de participation s’élèvent à 15 euros par jour et par volontaire. Ils couvrent tous les besoins, logement, électricité, internet et les repas.

Pour une semaine = 105 euros

Pour 2 semaines = 210 euros

Drapeau de LettonieLettonie: Looking for Nordic partners for Nordplus project
Date: Projet Permanent
Code de projet: LV-ECFE-ECFE-14819-LV
Type de projet: Echange de jeunes (eramus+),Mobilité des professionnels de jeunesse (eramus+) ,Projet environnemental,Stage conventionne,Séminaire / étude / conférence,Projet educatif

NGO Ecological Future Education or EFE founded for education providing and ecological life style implementation.
.... Info

A propos de l'organisation localeNGO Ecological Future Education or EFE founded for education providing and ecological life style implementation.

Présentation du programme

Looking for partners from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, including Faroe Islands and Greenland.

The project focuses on raising awareness of sustainable education by implementing digitalization in educational institutions. The implementation of digitalization in educational institutions can help to save resources and raise awareness of green practices, as well as promote a culture of sustainability within the institution.
By reducing the use of physical resources such as paper, ink and energy, as mentioned earlier, digitalization can help to decrease the environmental impact of the institution.
The project aims to exchange good practice examples of using digitalization as a tool to raise awareness of green practices by incorporating information about sustainability and environmental conservation into the curriculum.
We already have partners from Baltic countries.
If you would be interested in cooperation, please send contact us for more information.
Contact: [email protected]

Localisation du projetWarning: Due to the fact that the project location is not readily available, the location has been set to the city and country where the organization is mainly located.
Be aware that this location is not necessarily the one where the project will take place and that an organization can also be present in multiple cities and/or countries.
Please read the description to check if a more accurate location is specified.

ExigencesThis project is looking for 1 more partner from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden.

Date: du 2024-04-28 à 2024-05-07
Code de projet: LV-YS-YS-2024-02
Type de projet: Projet festival,Travail manuel
Frais de participation au projet: 250 EUR
Fiche pays_Lettonie.pdf ; Lettonie_Fiche_Sante_Riga.pdf ;

Fondée en 2011, notre organisation partenaire est une association de jeunes à but non lucratif dédiée au développement communautaire et à la citoyenneté active. Axée sur le développement durable et l'engagement communautaire, notre parten .... Info

A propos de l'organisation locale

Fondée en 2011, notre organisation partenaire est une association de jeunes à but non lucratif dédiée au développement communautaire et à la citoyenneté active. Axée sur le développement durable et l'engagement communautaire, notre partenaire vise à avoir un impact positif sur la communauté locale et l'environnement grâce à des initiatives menées par des volontaires, tout en améliorant la qualité de vie des jeunes en milieu rural. Ses activités principales comprennent des ateliers, des séminaires et des événements locaux, ainsi que des chantiers de volontariat à partir de 2024.

Présentation du programme

Préparation du parc pour les activités du festival (28 avril - 2 mai) :
- ramassage des feuilles et des débris dans le parc;
- entretien des sentiers et des allées;
- installation d'une zone de feu de camp;
- montage des tentes pour les participants au festival;
- préparation des surfaces pour l'art graffiti (par exemple, apprêtage de 20 à 26 grandes planches en bois).

Pendant le festival (3 - 5 mai) :
- aide à l'installation et à la gestion du festival;
- préparation et service de la soupe au feu de camp pour les participants;
- participation aux ateliers graffiti et aux discussions, en mettant l'accent sur le thème de la diversité.

Après le festival (5 - 6 mai) :
- aide au nettoyage et à la remise en état du parc;
- séances de débriefing et de réflexion.

Il est crucial que les volontaires fassent preuve de flexibilité, en particulier parce que le travail se déroule principalement en extérieur et que l'horaire peut être influencé par les conditions météorologiques. Cela peut entraîner le report ou la modification de certaines tâches ou activités. 

A propos du logement sur place

Les volontaires seront hébergés au Centre de la jeunesse de Svitene, qui se trouve à proximité du parc du manoir de Svitene. Ce centre dispose d'une grande salle commune où tous pourront séjourner ensemble. Situé au deuxième étage du Centre communautaire de Svitenes (tautas nams), l'établissement offre des équipements de douche au même étage, tandis que la cuisine est située au rez-de-chaussée. L'environnement est simple mais confortable, assurant un séjour reposant. Les volontaires doivent apporter leur propre sac de couchage.

A propos de l'alimentation

Les volontaires recevront des provisions alimentaires et seront responsables de la préparation de leurs repas ainsi que du maintien de la propreté des lieux. De plus, une soirée interculturelle sera organisée, nous encourageons donc les volontaires à apporter des plats traditionnels, des recettes ou des boissons de leur pays.

Localisation du projet

Le village de Svitene se trouve à 20 km du centre municipal de Bauska et à 89 km de Riga, la capitale animée de la Lettonie. Svitene offre un mélange harmonieux entre nature et histoire. Avec son riche passé historique et sa beauté naturelle, Svitene abrite le manoir de Svitene et son parc historique, qui témoignent de l'héritage architectural et culturel de la Lettonie. De plus, la région est entourée de sites culturels et naturels remarquables. À proximité se trouve notamment le palais de RundAle, un chef-d'œuvre de l'architecture baroque et rococo, ainsi que la colline fortifiée de Meotne, un site antique des Semigalliens, le château médiéval de Bauska, et bien d'autres sites historiques et pittoresques. Ces lieux offrent une combinaison unique d'histoire riche et de paysages magnifiques, garantissant aux volontaires une expérience enrichissante et inoubliable pendant leur temps libre. .

A propos des activités de loisirs possibles

À Svitene, en Lettonie, les visiteurs peuvent profiter d'une multitude d'activités de loisirs au sein de paysages pittoresques et d'un riche patrimoine culturel. Des balades tranquilles dans la nature aux randonnées à vélo à travers la campagne, en passant par les visites guidées des sites historiques tels que le manoir de Svitene et le majestueux palais de RundAle à proximité, il y en a pour tous les goûts. De plus, les visiteurs peuvent découvrir la culture lettone en participant à des événements locaux et à des ateliers, ou simplement se détendre lors d'un pique-nique dans un cadre paisible. Avec son mélange unique de beauté naturelle et d'expériences culturelles, Svitene offre une destination incontournable pour les amateurs de loisirs et d'aventures.


Aucune expérience préalable n'est requise ; cependant, une bonne condition physique et un véritable enthousiasme pour les activités en plein air sont nécessaires en raison de la nature du travail.

A propos du point de rencontre

Le point de rendez-vous sera indiqué dans la feuille de route.

Informations supplémentaires sur le projet

Festival : nous prévoyons la participation de 100 personnes formant des équipes pour créer des peintures graffiti. Le festival de Svitene se déroule sur trois jours et met en avant l'art du graffiti et la diversité. Le premier jour consiste en l'arrivée des participants, leur inscription et l'installation des tentes, suivis d'activités de consolidation de groupe et de renforcement d'équipe. Le deuxième jour est consacré à la création d'œuvres graffiti, avec des séances de tournage vidéo et des émissions radio abordant le thème de la diversité. Le troisième jour se termine par l'organisation d'une exposition des œuvres graffiti terminées dans le parc, comprenant une promenade d'appréciation des œuvres et une évaluation par un jury. L'exposition des œuvres dans le parc de Svitene sera ouverte gratuitement à tous les visiteurs pendant toute l'année 2024.

Drapeau de LettonieLettonie: Food =nutrition. That’s it.
Date: du 2024-05-01 à 2024-06-01
Code de projet: LV-BUBR-BUBR-15720-LV
Type de projet: Formation

"Būt brīvai" deals with eating disorder (EATD) problem in the local society. EATD can start with an innocent dieting, but result in a serious issue.
"Būt brīvai" is a non-governmental organization that deals with eating disorder (EATD) probl .... Info

A propos de l'organisation locale"Būt brīvai" deals with eating disorder (EATD) problem in the local society. EATD can start with an innocent dieting, but result in a serious issue.
"Būt brīvai" is a non-governmental organization that deals with eating disorder (EATD) problem in the local society, especially within youth. EATD is a serious mental illness that should be recognized in the early stage to be able to deal with it in an easy way. Considering the wide spread of the EATD (more known as anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, an exaggerated desire to lose weight, compulsive over eating, dieting etc.), especially within youth, youth workers and youth organizations as well as the local, regional and also European society should be aware of. This is not easy to recognize it and help, but appropriate knowledge, experience and support helps a lot. In addition, youth usually consider youth workers/youth organization representatives as trust persons to talk to when they face the issue. And youth workers might be the ones who know youth very good and if they have appropriate knowledge, experience, they might help a lot (if at least recognized and sent to appropriate support entities, would mean a lot). “Būt brīvai” organizes projects and different local activities to raise the awareness and educate the society (youth, their parents, schools, youth organizations and youth workers) to highlight that the problem exists and is rapidly increasing. And youth workers are usually the ones facing the issue in their work with young people. Therefore this is extremely important to educate youth workers how to deal with the situation (share knowledge how to recognize, how to talk to them, what support is available etc.).

Présentation du programme

Food is everywhere and socium is dictating what to do with. Many people get confused, take unhealthy decisions that might result in an eating disorder.

Food is everywhere and socium is dictating what to do with it aas well as brings many trends, attitudes together with it. This is not an issue for many people, but same many are getting confused, take unhealthy decisions, start dieating and food restriction that might result in an eating disorder (EATD). The project is about eating and on-eating and any other food relatds issues that youth is facing. EATD is a serious mental illness, usually “silent”(difficult to see and recognized), especially in the early stage (when it is the most important time to talk about it). We are not doctors here, but youth workers who see the problem and see how important would be if youth workers would know how to recognize it, how to talk to youth about it, what support is available. It is also improtant to see the stereotypes existing.
It is important that a partner organization has same experience with food and eating trends within youth and society, have seen some problems and issues. Great if a partner organization has at least one similar observation/needs from those listed here below:
o Shortage of knowledge, skills and experience/attitudes when working with young people with EATD to be able to recognize, to be aware of methods to use when talking to them, to be able to advise and support as well as to help appropriately. This project will increase knowledge, skills and attitudes, and also extend experience that will help youth workers to deal with the EATD in their daily work.
o Shortage of materials/self-help methods specifically made for youth with EATD. Youth is a specific group of society that needs a special treatment and attitude, attractive methods and materials. One of the results of this project is to create a materials - self-help coloring book made specifically for the youth segment.
o There are many young people in the local society who have nobody to talk to about the problem and the youth worker usually is a trustworthy person for them. This is exactly why we need to have the right knowledge, skills and attitudes to be a trustworthy person for a young person with EATD. This is a high level of responsibility and youth workers would like to have the right knowledge and skills to be able to advise (some other institutions, specialists etc.) or support (have a useful discussion).
o There are many stereotypes in society about EATD that lead to huge misunderstanding of what the problem is and how to deal with it. The project will bring up the stereotypes faced (by specialists in the field) and will raise discussions as well as create new attitudes how to bring this topic up within both the local communities and society.
The project has the following aim and objectives:
To increase the capacity of youth workers to be able to recognize and support, as well as to empower/equip young people with EATD with tools/methods, in this way promoting the inclusion of young people (with EATD).
• To expand knowledge (new methods), skills (new approaches and experience) and attitudes (extend the horizon of the use methods in youth work) of youth workers in working with young people with EATD;
• Create inclusive, youth-friendly self-help material for young people about EATD.
• Creating a strategic partnership network of the organizations working with young people with EATD.
• Review, break and deal with stereotypes and barriers of EATD
Please fill in and send your PIF form.

Localisation du projetWarning: Due to the fact that the project location is not readily available, the location has been set to the city and country where the organization is mainly located.
Be aware that this location is not necessarily the one where the project will take place and that an organization can also be present in multiple cities and/or countries.
Please read the description to check if a more accurate location is specified.

ExigencesThis project is looking for 10 more partners from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries.
Deadline for this partner request: 2023-09-30

Informations supplémentaires sur le projetThis project can include young people with fewer opportunities like:
- Social obstacles
- Economic obstacles
- Disability
- Educational difficulties
- Cultural differences
- Health problems
- Geographical obstacles

Drapeau de LettonieLettonie: ESC: Pride Begins
Date: du 2024-05-22 à 2024-06-20
Code de projet: LV-ACRA-LV38235
Type de projet: Corps européen de solidarité (ces-esc),Projet social,Projet educatif,Projet culturel
Attention,ce projet n'est accessible que dans le cadre du Service Volontaire Européen

Active Rainbow is an educational platform and community of people that celebrate personal growth and inclusivity. [Background] The platform was founded in 2014 and started at first as a self-organized initiative. It is active in the field of youth w .... Info

A propos de l'organisation localeActive Rainbow is an educational platform and community of people that celebrate personal growth and inclusivity. [Background] The platform was founded in 2014 and started at first as a self-organized initiative. It is active in the field of youth work and implementation of learning programs already for the past 7 years, working on a local, national, European, and international level through direct cooperation with different European organizations, collectives, and informal groups. Since March 2020, the team behind the platform has set its new foundation and has registered its first branch as an organization in Latvia. This decision took place after years of careful consideration, measurement of impact, and having contributed to a great extent in building the capacity of our partner organizations in the field of inclusive education for LGBTQIA+ youth. We are a young team of professionals with 20 years of combined experience in the fields of youth work, non-formal education, training and facilitation, project, and organizational management. [Our Vision] We contribute to the creation of a world where diversity is welcomed and celebrated as a value. [Our Mission] We are committed to strengthen the implementation of Human Rights and improve the quality of LGBT+ spectrum education, by offering learning opportunities for people to grow and thrive. Our motto is - learning made simple, yet significant. [Our Values] The foundation of our work as we pursue our mission and aims lies in the values and principles that we choose to live by and drive us to do what we do. Together, they provide a picture of who we are and how we want to be: Respect of individuality, in all aspects, Freedom of choice, Love & Care, Integrity & Honesty, Creativity & Expression, Growth & Learning, Collaboration; [Our objectives] At a local, national, European, and international level: ☑ Support (young) people in their learning, personal and professional development - equipping them with lifelong skills ☑ Offer safe and inclusive educational environments for everyone without discrimination, especially to LGBTQIA+ people ☑ Promote and participate in the development of youth work and the training of youth workers and educators ☑ Promote the initiatives, projects, and activities of young people ☑ Increase the visibility of non-formal learning as a type of activism ☑ Offer and foster volunteering opportunities, building young activists and social changemakers ☑ Develop and sustain an engaged and connected network of organizations, fostering international cooperation and cross-cultural exchange ☑ Create a more inclusive and cohesive society to ensure equal opportunities for all to achieve full potential in life [Our target groups] We work mainly with youngsters (aged 13-18) and young adults (aged 18-35) - especially those who identify themselves within the LGBTQIA+ spectrum, are allies to the community, those who experience social, economic, cultural, geographical and/or any other difficulties (including migrant and/or refugee people), and coming also from intersectional backgrounds. As well as we are working with those involved in youth work, education and training, and anybody else who is interested in our goals and values. [Our Activities] The core of our work lies in the design and implementation of activities connected to Personal Growth, Social inclusion, Active Participation, Community Building. We create safe learning spaces and take actions to effect social change, defined also as activism. For this, we perform the following activities at a local, regional, national, European, and international level: ☑Organization of international mobility programs through Erasmus+ and other funding opportunities (Council of Europe, local Latvian funds, etc.) ☑Organization of seminars, workshops, youth exchanges, training courses, conferences, public events, and other ☑Partnerships, networking, and participation in a variety of projects, including volunteering opportunities, also within the European Solidarity Corps program ☑Support for youth initiatives, offering mentorship & promotion ☑Online events and activities, such as podcasts with activists (Generation ACT series), webinars, TED Circles, online panels, etc. Among our regular activities are also community events, such as the Openly Queer Mic, Hiking with Pride, Volunteers Meet-Up, and more. Due to the covid-19 pandemic in 2021, those events have become mostly virtual, that also include online workshops and discussions, game and movie nights, etc. for the youngsters to connect with each other. We are in cooperation with the LGBT+ House Riga and the Mozaika organization, where we offer our activities, co-work, and meet with our youngsters there, when it is allowed. In 2021, we are organizing an ESC Solidarity Project called “Inspire ACTiON”, led by our local members and volunteers, as well as a Youth Exchange called “Come Out and Play” about wellbeing and community building.

Présentation du programmeLive for 28 days in Riga, and become a vibrant part of our Active Rainbow crew and community, focusing on LGBTQIA+/Queer education, activism and community building. At Active Rainbow, “every project we create is a story to inspire action”, and Pride Begins is one of our most proud, exciting and colourful chapters. By joining us in this, you get to have a first hand experience on how the Baltic Pride festival is organized, shape your own inspirational story and become a co-creator of your dream community with 9 other volunteers. Pride Begins welcomes 10 volunteers from European countries, who will: Engage and learn about the LGBTQIA+ human rights in Latvia, while exchanging stories and experiences; Act & contribute to the activities of Active Rainbow connected to the Baltic Pride; Create audio-visual content throughout the project; Initiate and organize your personal project, leaving your own mark locally and beyond;

A propos du logement sur placeFind full information about the project and the logistics here: MANDATORY to apply here: We will only consider applications coming in our form.

ExigencesThe Participant profile: This program is for you if you are: ▪ 18-30 years old and a legal resident of one of the Erasmus+ programme countries ▪ part of the LGBTQIA+/Queer community or an ally to the community ▪ enthusiastic to contribute to the activities of the organization, to the Festival and eager to take initiatives and create opportunities for themselves and society We are also looking for people with media (photography, video making, podcasting), social media and any other creative and/or artistic skills, since this year, we focus a lot on audio-visual production during the project.
Deadline: No application deadline

Informations supplémentaires sur le projetThe project is implemented under the European Solidarity Corps Programme, financed by the European Commission.
The participating organisations have to be mindful of these needs as they are responsible for providing a respectful and trusting hosting environment. At the same time, the organisations participating in the initiative devote a great deal of time, energy and resources to set up a high-quality activity; they should therefore expect that European Solidarity Corps participants show a similar level of respect for the local communities and the people that are directly concerned by the activities (
What do we provide ?

  • Training before and after the project
  • Health insurance during your project
  • round-trip travel reimbursement
  • accommodation and food
  • pocket money
  • language course
  • Return Week-end
  • Youth Pass and SVI international Volunteer passport

Before applying for this volunteering project, you need to enroll yourself at European Solidarity Corps Platform ( and specify your European Solidarity Corps Participant Number (PRN).
This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label.
Contact the ESC coordinator at +32 2 888 67 13 to get more informations.

Description de prixProjects from the european commission are free for volunteers

Drapeau de LettonieLettonie: ESC: Fruits and Campfires 2024
Date: du 2024-06-01 à 2024-06-18
Code de projet: LV-RAVP-LV39656
Type de projet: Corps européen de solidarité (ces-esc),Projet environnemental,Projet educatif
Attention,ce projet n'est accessible que dans le cadre du Service Volontaire Européen

Our aim is to promote sustainable development of society, and to foster cultural and environmental education through youth and adult life long learning and active participation in social processes. Our main tools to achieve this is volunteering and n .... Info

A propos de l'organisation localeOur aim is to promote sustainable development of society, and to foster cultural and environmental education through youth and adult life long learning and active participation in social processes. Our main tools to achieve this is volunteering and non-formal education Radi Vidi Pats started as an association that works with topics related environmental education for youngsters but slowly and very naturally we have grown into the social sphere as well. Sustainability, alternative and DIY life style is still our fundamentals, and bicycle for many years has been our main tool in communication with the society, especially youngsters. A few years ago we started consciously working with NEET youngsters as socially disadvantaged youngsters have always been attracted to RVP activities. Nevertheless, environmental topics will always be important for the organisation. Five years ago RVP opened a bicycle kitchen – self-service bicycle workshop that also serves as a freak bike creating basis. Another regular activity is up-cycling workshops that RVP facilitates in different parts of the region. For RVP waste is seen as material and sharing this view is an important part of thier work throughout the existence of this NGO. In the Summer of 2017 we moved to a new building that is more opened to different type of activities such as community discussions and learning sessions.

Présentation du programmeHave you ever thought of joining a team of volunteers and spending two weeks in a permacultural community in the Latvian countryside? -Help to build a climate-neutral bird house (for goose) using various eco-building techniques and environmentally friendly building materials (clay, straw, wood), -Do some manual work and daily tasks on the farm (cooking, cleaning, washing dishes, chopping vegetables, bringing wood from the forest, cleaning toilets/bathroom, -Shoot videos and pictures, decorate the recreation zone of the camp site, plan free time activities in the evenings; -Help locals in the gardens, planting vegetables or fruits or doing other land-based activities; -Plan and prepare result dissemination and visibility activities after the project.

A propos du logement sur placeVideo from one of the previous projects: More information can be seen on our Instagram:

A propos des activités de loisirs possiblesYou will learn the basics of permaculture and other EU volunteering opportunities.

ExigencesThe Participant profile: We are looking for a person from 18 until 30 years old, who is interested in discovering permacultural constructions methods, gardening and lifestyle; and who is not very picky with the countryside life conditions and is willing to work together with an international team, do community life, share their hobbies and interests and spend a nice time together.
Deadline: Application deadline: 03/05/2024

Informations supplémentaires sur le projetThe project is implemented under the European Solidarity Corps Programme, financed by the European Commission.
The participating organisations have to be mindful of these needs as they are responsible for providing a respectful and trusting hosting environment. At the same time, the organisations participating in the initiative devote a great deal of time, energy and resources to set up a high-quality activity; they should therefore expect that European Solidarity Corps participants show a similar level of respect for the local communities and the people that are directly concerned by the activities (
What do we provide ?

  • Training before and after the project
  • Health insurance during your project
  • round-trip travel reimbursement
  • accommodation and food
  • pocket money
  • language course
  • Return Week-end
  • Youth Pass and SVI international Volunteer passport

Before applying for this volunteering project, you need to enroll yourself at European Solidarity Corps Platform ( and specify your European Solidarity Corps Participant Number (PRN).
This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label.
Contact the ESC coordinator at +32 2 888 67 13 to get more informations.

Description de prixProjects from the european commission are free for volunteers

Drapeau de LettonieLettonie: REgenerate I
Date: du 2024-06-30 à 2024-07-14
Code de projet: LV-YS-YS-2024-03
Type de projet: Projet reserve aux adolescents (16-18 ans),Projet environnemental,Projet agricole,Travail manuel
Frais de participation au projet: 250 EUR
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Drapeau de LettonieLettonie: ESC: Team Volunteering in a Youth Center in Riga
Date: du 2024-07-04 à 2024-07-21
Code de projet: LV-YOFL-LV38240
Type de projet: Corps européen de solidarité (ces-esc),Projet educatif
Attention,ce projet n'est accessible que dans le cadre du Service Volontaire Européen

We are the modern,active and open-minded young people from Riga(Latvia). We have groups of youth in Art,Photo,Video,Businness, Urban Folks,Green Folks, YF Sport
Young Folks LV is also non-formal learning space for useful competences and skills for .... Info

A propos de l'organisation localeWe are the modern,active and open-minded young people from Riga(Latvia). We have groups of youth in Art,Photo,Video,Businness, Urban Folks,Green Folks, YF Sport
Young Folks LV is also non-formal learning space for useful competences and skills for young people. In Young Folks LV teenagers participate in different types of activities – trainings and workshops, volunteering and team work, travelling and youth exchanges. We are very encouraged to participate in the international youth projects and support our teenagers of 13-16 and youth 16-30 years old in setting up Youth Exchanges and Youth Initiatives under Erasmus+ programme. We are very interested in meeting new friends from all over the world, travelling, discovering new cultures and lifestyles, communicating in English and trying to learn other languages, getting new experience and great memories!
We started our new project of Youth Center of Social Entrepreneurship to foster young people employability and support their entrepreneurship spirit. We help our youngsters to develop their creative ideas and get financing in the local projects; we provide an opportunity to make own money through workshops; we organise non-formal education for languages and career guidance, and we support the volunteering activities.
In Young Folks LV we organised a nice and cosy youth space – YUMTA. It’s the best youth place in Riga for learning and leisure, and everybody is very welcome!
Young Folks LV in pictures — @youngfolkslvofficial
Young Folks LV in Facebook —

Présentation du programmeYoung Folks LV is a non-profit organization based in Riga. Our goal is to provide a safe and supportive environment that discovers and develops the cognitive and creative skills of different target groups. We promote non-formal education and meaningful communication, creating a welcoming and inspiring environment alongside a friendly community. Since July, 2014, Young Folks has been an NGO, which presently presents one of the biggest and the most active youth organizations in Latvia. We invite you to the TEAM VOLUNTEERING project in the youth organization Young Folks LV in Riga, Latvia for 16 days. We invite you to volunteer in Latvia in the youth organization Young Folks LV to help us run an international camp for teenagers for 4 nights-5 days (approximately for 30-40 teenagers), as well as to prepare a youth festival for 150-200 people (the festival will involve all clubs of the organization, different ages, about 50 master classes, and different events will be prepared).

A propos du logement sur placePlace and location: At Liberty - the hostel in the center of Riga, where you will spend a few days getting ready for the camp and festival. The hostel is located next to the YoungFolks office and is right in the middle of the old town. Veczemju klintis - one of the most beautiful places in Latvia. It is a camp place right in the woods 3 minutes away from the sea and beautiful caves. You will live there in tents ( that are provided) as well as we have the kitchen there.

ExigencesThe Participant profile: We expect young people between 18 and 30 years old who speak English from 9 European countries. You should be interested in working with adolescents and young people using non-formal education methods and be willing to work in an international team on a joint project. Your competencies can be quite varied, but you must tell us exactly what competencies you possess to make your volunteering work effective and useful for the project. We will list a few of them so that you understand how you can utilize your best sides.
Deadline: Application deadline: 18/05/2024

Informations supplémentaires sur le projetThe project is implemented under the European Solidarity Corps Programme, financed by the European Commission.
The participating organisations have to be mindful of these needs as they are responsible for providing a respectful and trusting hosting environment. At the same time, the organisations participating in the initiative devote a great deal of time, energy and resources to set up a high-quality activity; they should therefore expect that European Solidarity Corps participants show a similar level of respect for the local communities and the people that are directly concerned by the activities (
What do we provide ?

  • Training before and after the project
  • Health insurance during your project
  • round-trip travel reimbursement
  • accommodation and food
  • pocket money
  • language course
  • Return Week-end
  • Youth Pass and SVI international Volunteer passport

Before applying for this volunteering project, you need to enroll yourself at European Solidarity Corps Platform ( and specify your European Solidarity Corps Participant Number (PRN).
This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label.
Contact the ESC coordinator at +32 2 888 67 13 to get more informations.

Description de prixProjects from the european commission are free for volunteers

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Drapeau de LettonieLettonie: LAUDERI I
Date: du 2024-07-08 à 2024-07-22
Code de projet: LV-YS-YS-2024-06
Type de projet: Projet reserve aux adolescents (16-18 ans),Projet de renovation,Projet environnemental,Travail manuel
Frais de participation au projet: 50 EUR
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Jaunatne smaidam / Youth for Smile is a non-profit, non-governmental youth organization founded in 2005. Our organization is dedicated to fostering the intellectual, creative, and personal development of young people through various initiatives. With .... Info

A propos de l'organisation localeJaunatne smaidam / Youth for Smile is a non-profit, non-governmental youth organization founded in 2005. Our organization is dedicated to fostering the intellectual, creative, and personal development of young people through various initiatives. With a mission to create, experience, and be together, we aim to provide opportunities that empower local communities and contribute to the growth of youth on both local and international levels.Our organization s primary goals are threefold: creating, experiencing, and being together. We strive to enable local communities to learn, participate, and self-realize (Creating), offer experiences at the local and international levels to promote personal development among young people (Experience), and cultivate an environment where young individuals can develop competencies for the growth of their communities (Being together).The organization is committed to fulfilling these goals through a range of tasks and programs. These include:1. Youth Initiatives: We actively develop and promote youth initiatives, fostering favorable conditions for intellectual and creative development.2. Non-formal Education: Providing young people with opportunities to acquire essential life skills, knowledge, and competencies through non-formal education.3. Leisure Time Activities: Offering opportunities for young individuals to make good use of their leisure time in meaningful ways.4. Information Access: Ensuring young people have access to relevant information for their developmental needs.To address the needs of youth with fewer opportunities, we implement outdoor education and adventure pedagogy through various non-formal education programs. Additionally, our international voluntary work camps program promotes intercultural learning, community development, and peace education.In low-populated areas, we conduct mobile youth work, providing essential youth services where municipalities may not cover them. Advocacy at the regional level is a crucial aspect of our work, advocating for the quality of youth work and the development of participatory youth policy.Furthermore, our active involvement in traditional folk and cultural events aims to introduce these aspects to the youth, preserving cultural heritage and fostering a sense of community. DIY workshops are organized to support young people in learning practical skills necessary for life.While the organization was established in 2005, we have grown to be a values-based youth association with a significant impact on local communities and the personal development of young individuals. Our commitment to creating, experiencing, and being together drives our efforts to empower the youth and contribute to the well-being of the broader community.

Présentation du programmeIn collaboration with a local NGO, "Youth for Smile," a youth organization, is embarking on an ambitious project to transform the abandoned former orphanage in Lauderi village into a vibrant non-formal education training centre. This workcamp activity aims to engage volunteers in revitalizing the surrounding area and the interior of the building, setting the stage for a future hub of learning and community development.The project activity will take place in Lauderi village, where the dormant training centre stands as a testament to untapped potential. This picturesque village provides the perfect backdrop for community-driven initiatives, and the youth organization envisions transforming the old orphanage into a lively educational space.Project Goals:Revitalizing the Park and Surrounding Area:Volunteers will work collaboratively to clean and rejuvenate the park surrounding the former orphanage. This includes clearing debris, landscaping, and creating a welcoming outdoor space for the future training centre.Interior Cleanup:In addition to the exterior, volunteers will venture inside the building to tackle the accumulated remnants of years of abandonment. This involves removing old and broken furniture, clothes, and other items that hinder the potential of the space.Community Engagement:The project aims to foster a sense of community among volunteers and local residents. Through shared efforts, participants will not only contribute to the physical transformation of the training centre but also build lasting connections with the community.

A propos du logement sur placeVolunteers participating in the workcamp will experience simple and basic living conditions. Accommodation will be provided in a nearby organization house, ensuring proximity to the working space for convenience. While the facilities may be basic, the goal is to create a communal and immersive experience.Sleeping Arrangements:Volunteers will be provided with beds for their stay. It is recommended that volunteers bring their sleeping bags for added comfort during the nights.Toilets and Washing Facilities:Basic toilet and washing facilities will be available on-site, ensuring that volunteers have essential amenities for their daily needs.Kitchen Setup:Volunteers will have access to a simple kitchen within the organization house. The kitchen is equipped with the essentials needed for preparing meals.Self-Catering:Cooking responsibilities will be delegated to the volunteers themselves. This self-catering approach fosters a sense of teamwork and collaboration, allowing participants to share cooking duties and create a communal atmosphere.International Evening:As a delightful addition to the cultural exchange aspect of the workcamp, volunteers are encouraged to bring traditional or typical food items from their home countries. These contributions will be part of an international evening, providing an opportunity for everyone to share and savor a diverse array of flavors from around the world.Additional Recommendations:Personal Essentials:Volunteers are advised to bring personal toiletries, towels, and any specific items they may need for their stay.Adaptability:Given the basic living conditions, a flexible and adaptable mindset is recommended. Embracing the simplicity of the accommodation enhances the overall workcamp experience.The focus of the accommodation and food arrangements is to create a communal living environment where volunteers can collaborate, share cultural experiences, and contribute to the success of the workcamp while enjoying the unique aspects of each participant s background.

Localisation du projetThe workcamp is set to take place in Lauderi village, situated in the Ludza municipality in the eastern part of Latvia. Ludza, the administrative center of the municipality, is the closest city, located 32 km away. Additionally, the village is approximately 310 km from RA)ga, the capital city of Latvia. The nearby city of Zilupe is approximately 11 km away.Lauderi is a small village nestled in the eastern part of Latvia, surrounded by scenic landscapes. The village is home to around 190 inhabitants, creating a close-knit and community-oriented setting.Ludza, the administrative center, offers a mix of historical and cultural attractions. Participants can explore Ludza during their leisure time to get a taste of regional life.Volunteers will have the opportunity to explore various cultural and historical places around Lauderi. This may include visits to local landmarks, historical sites, and places of significance.Participants are encouraged to organize intercultural events, providing a platform for cultural exchange within the diverse group of volunteers. Sharing traditions and customs enhances the overall workcamp experience.Given the small size of Lauderi village, volunteers can engage with local residents to learn about their way of life, traditions, and perhaps participate in community activities.For those who wish to explore beyond Lauderi, the official tourism website of Latvia provides insights into various destinations and experiences throughout the country: Leisure Recommendations:Nature Excursions:Take advantage of the rural surroundings for nature walks, hikes, or simply enjoying the tranquility of the Latvian countryside.Local Cuisine Experience:Explore local eateries or participate in cooking sessions to savor traditional Latvian cuisine.Interactive Workshops:Organize workshops or activities that allow participants to share aspects of their cultures, creating a dynamic exchange of ideas and traditions.The workcamp in Lauderi village offers not only the opportunity for meaningful contributions but also a chance to immerse oneself in the unique charm of a Latvian village. Participants are encouraged to make the most of their leisure time, fostering cultural exchange and creating lasting memories during the workcamp.

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Drapeau de LettonieLettonie: YOUTH4SMILE
Date: du 2024-07-21 à 2024-08-04
Code de projet: LV-YS-YS-2024-04
Type de projet: Projet reserve aux adolescents (16-18 ans),Projet social,Animation pour les enfants,Projet culturel
Frais de participation au projet: 50 EUR
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Jaunatne smaidam / Youth for Smile is a non-profit, non-governmental youth organization founded in 2005. Our organization is dedicated to fostering the intellectual, creative, and personal development of young people through various initiatives. With .... Info

A propos de l'organisation localeJaunatne smaidam / Youth for Smile is a non-profit, non-governmental youth organization founded in 2005. Our organization is dedicated to fostering the intellectual, creative, and personal development of young people through various initiatives. With a mission to create, experience, and be together, we aim to provide opportunities that empower local communities and contribute to the growth of youth on both local and international levels.Our organization s primary goals are threefold: creating, experiencing, and being together. We strive to enable local communities to learn, participate, and self-realize (Creating), offer experiences at the local and international levels to promote personal development among young people (Experience), and cultivate an environment where young individuals can develop competencies for the growth of their communities (Being together).The organization is committed to fulfilling these goals through a range of tasks and programs. These include:1. Youth Initiatives: We actively develop and promote youth initiatives, fostering favorable conditions for intellectual and creative development.2. Non-formal Education: Providing young people with opportunities to acquire essential life skills, knowledge, and competencies through non-formal education.3. Leisure Time Activities: Offering opportunities for young individuals to make good use of their leisure time in meaningful ways.4. Information Access: Ensuring young people have access to relevant information for their developmental needs.To address the needs of youth with fewer opportunities, we implement outdoor education and adventure pedagogy through various non-formal education programs. Additionally, our international voluntary work camps program promotes intercultural learning, community development, and peace education.In low-populated areas, we conduct mobile youth work, providing essential youth services where municipalities may not cover them. Advocacy at the regional level is a crucial aspect of our work, advocating for the quality of youth work and the development of participatory youth policy.Furthermore, our active involvement in traditional folk and cultural events aims to introduce these aspects to the youth, preserving cultural heritage and fostering a sense of community. DIY workshops are organized to support young people in learning practical skills necessary for life.While the organization was established in 2005, we have grown to be a values-based youth association with a significant impact on local communities and the personal development of young individuals. Our commitment to creating, experiencing, and being together drives our efforts to empower the youth and contribute to the well-being of the broader community.

Présentation du programmeVolunteers will organise creative workshops and outdoor activities for children and youth in BArbele village. At the first days of work camp participants will have a preparation training for outdoor activities with children, such as orientation, sport tourism, low and high ropes, non-formal education methods for team building and conflict management. Volunteers will organise activities for children from the age of 7 up to 15.

A propos du logement sur placeLiving conditions are very basic. Volunteers will be accommodated in a rural farm. Sleeping will be in tents provided by the organisers. We will provide mattresses as well. Toilets and washing facilities will be provided. Cooking will be done by volunteers themselves in the outdoor kitchen. Volunteers should bring their sleeping bags. Do not forget some traditional or typical food from your home country for the international evening.

Localisation du projetWork camp will be organized in BArbele village, Bauska municipality. Farm is located in a rural area around 6 km from village. Nearest bus stop is 3 km away. The administrative centre of the municipality is Bauska located 60 km from RA)ga (capital city of Latvia). More information about region - More about Latvia -

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Drapeau de LettonieLettonie: NATURE THROUGH THE LENS
Date: du 2024-07-22 à 2024-08-05
Code de projet: LV-YS-YS-2024-09
Type de projet: Projet reserve aux adolescents (16-18 ans),Projet environnemental,Projet social,Animation pour les enfants
Frais de participation au projet: 200 EUR
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"Laiks JaunieUiem" (Time for Youth) is a dynamic organization committed to empowering and supporting the youth of our community in their personal, educational, and social development. Our mission is to provide a diverse range of activities, events, a .... Info

A propos de l'organisation locale"Laiks JaunieUiem" (Time for Youth) is a dynamic organization committed to empowering and supporting the youth of our community in their personal, educational, and social development. Our mission is to provide a diverse range of activities, events, and services designed to promote the well-being and growth of young people.Our focus extends beyond merely offering activities; we are dedicated to fostering leadership skills, promoting social inclusion, and creating opportunities for learning and self-improvement. By engaging in initiatives such as charity marathons, educational programs, mentorship services, and sports activities, we aim to cultivate a supportive and enriching environment where young individuals can flourish.At the heart of our organization is a dedication to active citizenship and community responsibility. We strive to advocate for the needs and rights of young people, ensuring that their voices are heard and their concerns addressed. Through our efforts, we seek to be a driving force for positive change in the lives of youth, empowering them to realize their full potential and become active, engaged members of society."Laiks JaunieUiem" is more than just a youth organization; we are a community of passionate individuals committed to making a difference. Join us in our mission to create a brighter future for the youth of our community and beyond.

Présentation du programmeThe tasks are not listed in the sequence of eventsAssisting in setting up photography stations around the campsite.Creating signage and directional guides for participants.Helping to organize photography equipment and materials.Constructing a nature trail using natural materials such as logs, stones, and branches.Supervising and guiding children and teenagers aged 8-14 during photography activities.Leading nature exploration walks to inspire photographic creativity.Facilitating photography workshops focused on capturing natural beauty.Assisting in organizing and managing photography competitions and exhibitions.Participating in the cleanup and restoration of the campsite and nature trail.Engaging in reflective sessions to evaluate the camp s impact and share experiences.Collaborating with fellow volunteers to document the camp s achievements through photography and storytelling.

A propos du logement sur placeVolunteers will live in GriA i elementary school. Meals during the camp will be taken together with the participants, all meals will be served from the cook or cafeteria with delivery. There will be snacks, fruits and vegetables available at any time.

Localisation du projetGriA i Primary School (22.07. - 29.07.) is located in the picturesque surroundings of Bauska and offers a peaceful environment that is ideal for nature photography. Open creative center (29.07 - 05.08.), youth space that will be freed for you. there is a kitchen, bathroom facilities, a shower room, as well as all other necessary entertainment and leisure facilities. Volunteers will have the opportunity to get to know the natural beauty of Bauska, the nearby attractions, including Bauska Castle and scenic nature trails, in their free time. We will definitely go on an excursion to some attraction together. It will be possible to go to the supermarket easily (walking distance).

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Drapeau de LettonieLettonie: LAUDERI II
Date: du 2024-07-29 à 2024-08-12
Code de projet: LV-YS-YS-2024-07
Type de projet: Projet reserve aux adolescents (16-18 ans),Projet de renovation,Projet environnemental,Travail manuel
Frais de participation au projet: 50 EUR
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Jaunatne smaidam / Youth for Smile is a non-profit, non-governmental youth organization founded in 2005. Our organization is dedicated to fostering the intellectual, creative, and personal development of young people through various initiatives. With .... Info

A propos de l'organisation localeJaunatne smaidam / Youth for Smile is a non-profit, non-governmental youth organization founded in 2005. Our organization is dedicated to fostering the intellectual, creative, and personal development of young people through various initiatives. With a mission to create, experience, and be together, we aim to provide opportunities that empower local communities and contribute to the growth of youth on both local and international levels.Our organization s primary goals are threefold: creating, experiencing, and being together. We strive to enable local communities to learn, participate, and self-realize (Creating), offer experiences at the local and international levels to promote personal development among young people (Experience), and cultivate an environment where young individuals can develop competencies for the growth of their communities (Being together).The organization is committed to fulfilling these goals through a range of tasks and programs. These include:1. Youth Initiatives: We actively develop and promote youth initiatives, fostering favorable conditions for intellectual and creative development.2. Non-formal Education: Providing young people with opportunities to acquire essential life skills, knowledge, and competencies through non-formal education.3. Leisure Time Activities: Offering opportunities for young individuals to make good use of their leisure time in meaningful ways.4. Information Access: Ensuring young people have access to relevant information for their developmental needs.To address the needs of youth with fewer opportunities, we implement outdoor education and adventure pedagogy through various non-formal education programs. Additionally, our international voluntary work camps program promotes intercultural learning, community development, and peace education.In low-populated areas, we conduct mobile youth work, providing essential youth services where municipalities may not cover them. Advocacy at the regional level is a crucial aspect of our work, advocating for the quality of youth work and the development of participatory youth policy.Furthermore, our active involvement in traditional folk and cultural events aims to introduce these aspects to the youth, preserving cultural heritage and fostering a sense of community. DIY workshops are organized to support young people in learning practical skills necessary for life.While the organization was established in 2005, we have grown to be a values-based youth association with a significant impact on local communities and the personal development of young individuals. Our commitment to creating, experiencing, and being together drives our efforts to empower the youth and contribute to the well-being of the broader community.

Présentation du programmeIn collaboration with a local NGO, "Youth for Smile," a youth organization, is embarking on an ambitious project to transform the abandoned former orphanage in Lauderi village into a vibrant non-formal education training centre. This workcamp activity aims to engage volunteers in revitalizing the surrounding area and the interior of the building, setting the stage for a future hub of learning and community development.The project activity will take place in Lauderi village, where the dormant training centre stands as a testament to untapped potential. This picturesque village provides the perfect backdrop for community-driven initiatives, and the youth organization envisions transforming the old orphanage into a lively educational space.Project Goals:Revitalizing the Park and Surrounding Area:Volunteers will work collaboratively to clean and rejuvenate the park surrounding the former orphanage. This includes clearing debris, landscaping, and creating a welcoming outdoor space for the future training centre.Interior Cleanup:In addition to the exterior, volunteers will venture inside the building to tackle the accumulated remnants of years of abandonment. This involves removing old and broken furniture, clothes, and other items that hinder the potential of the space.Community Engagement:The project aims to foster a sense of community among volunteers and local residents. Through shared efforts, participants will not only contribute to the physical transformation of the training centre but also build lasting connections with the community.

A propos du logement sur placeVolunteers participating in the workcamp will experience simple and basic living conditions. Accommodation will be provided in a nearby organization house, ensuring proximity to the working space for convenience. While the facilities may be basic, the goal is to create a communal and immersive experience.Sleeping Arrangements:Volunteers will be provided with beds for their stay. It is recommended that volunteers bring their sleeping bags for added comfort during the nights.Toilets and Washing Facilities:Basic toilet and washing facilities will be available on-site, ensuring that volunteers have essential amenities for their daily needs.Kitchen Setup:Volunteers will have access to a simple kitchen within the organization house. The kitchen is equipped with the essentials needed for preparing meals.Self-Catering:Cooking responsibilities will be delegated to the volunteers themselves. This self-catering approach fosters a sense of teamwork and collaboration, allowing participants to share cooking duties and create a communal atmosphere.International Evening:As a delightful addition to the cultural exchange aspect of the workcamp, volunteers are encouraged to bring traditional or typical food items from their home countries. These contributions will be part of an international evening, providing an opportunity for everyone to share and savor a diverse array of flavors from around the world.Additional Recommendations:Personal Essentials:Volunteers are advised to bring personal toiletries, towels, and any specific items they may need for their stay.Adaptability:Given the basic living conditions, a flexible and adaptable mindset is recommended. Embracing the simplicity of the accommodation enhances the overall workcamp experience.The focus of the accommodation and food arrangements is to create a communal living environment where volunteers can collaborate, share cultural experiences, and contribute to the success of the workcamp while enjoying the unique aspects of each participant s background.

Localisation du projetThe workcamp is set to take place in Lauderi village, situated in the Ludza municipality in the eastern part of Latvia. Ludza, the administrative center of the municipality, is the closest city, located 32 km away. Additionally, the village is approximately 310 km from RA)ga, the capital city of Latvia. The nearby city of Zilupe is approximately 11 km away.Lauderi is a small village nestled in the eastern part of Latvia, surrounded by scenic landscapes. The village is home to around 190 inhabitants, creating a close-knit and community-oriented setting.Ludza, the administrative center, offers a mix of historical and cultural attractions. Participants can explore Ludza during their leisure time to get a taste of regional life.Volunteers will have the opportunity to explore various cultural and historical places around Lauderi. This may include visits to local landmarks, historical sites, and places of significance.Participants are encouraged to organize intercultural events, providing a platform for cultural exchange within the diverse group of volunteers. Sharing traditions and customs enhances the overall workcamp experience.Given the small size of Lauderi village, volunteers can engage with local residents to learn about their way of life, traditions, and perhaps participate in community activities.For those who wish to explore beyond Lauderi, the official tourism website of Latvia provides insights into various destinations and experiences throughout the country: Leisure Recommendations:Nature Excursions:Take advantage of the rural surroundings for nature walks, hikes, or simply enjoying the tranquility of the Latvian countryside.Local Cuisine Experience:Explore local eateries or participate in cooking sessions to savor traditional Latvian cuisine.Interactive Workshops:Organize workshops or activities that allow participants to share aspects of their cultures, creating a dynamic exchange of ideas and traditions.The workcamp in Lauderi village offers not only the opportunity for meaningful contributions but also a chance to immerse oneself in the unique charm of a Latvian village. Participants are encouraged to make the most of their leisure time, fostering cultural exchange and creating lasting memories during the workcamp.

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Drapeau de LettonieLettonie: REGENERATE II
Date: du 2024-08-11 à 2024-08-25
Code de projet: LV-YS-YS-2024-05
Type de projet: Projet reserve aux adolescents (16-18 ans),Projet environnemental,Travail manuel,Projet agricole
Frais de participation au projet: 250 EUR
Fiche pays_Lettonie.pdf ; Lettonie_Fiche_Sante_Riga.pdf ;

Jaunatne smaidam / Youth for Smile is a non-profit, non-governmental youth organization founded in 2005. Our organization is dedicated to fostering the intellectual, creative, and personal development of young people through various initiatives. With .... Info

A propos de l'organisation localeJaunatne smaidam / Youth for Smile is a non-profit, non-governmental youth organization founded in 2005. Our organization is dedicated to fostering the intellectual, creative, and personal development of young people through various initiatives. With a mission to create, experience, and be together, we aim to provide opportunities that empower local communities and contribute to the growth of youth on both local and international levels.Our organization s primary goals are threefold: creating, experiencing, and being together. We strive to enable local communities to learn, participate, and self-realize (Creating), offer experiences at the local and international levels to promote personal development among young people (Experience), and cultivate an environment where young individuals can develop competencies for the growth of their communities (Being together).The organization is committed to fulfilling these goals through a range of tasks and programs. These include:1. Youth Initiatives: We actively develop and promote youth initiatives, fostering favorable conditions for intellectual and creative development.2. Non-formal Education: Providing young people with opportunities to acquire essential life skills, knowledge, and competencies through non-formal education.3. Leisure Time Activities: Offering opportunities for young individuals to make good use of their leisure time in meaningful ways.4. Information Access: Ensuring young people have access to relevant information for their developmental needs.To address the needs of youth with fewer opportunities, we implement outdoor education and adventure pedagogy through various non-formal education programs. Additionally, our international voluntary work camps program promotes intercultural learning, community development, and peace education.In low-populated areas, we conduct mobile youth work, providing essential youth services where municipalities may not cover them. Advocacy at the regional level is a crucial aspect of our work, advocating for the quality of youth work and the development of participatory youth policy.Furthermore, our active involvement in traditional folk and cultural events aims to introduce these aspects to the youth, preserving cultural heritage and fostering a sense of community. DIY workshops are organized to support young people in learning practical skills necessary for life.While the organization was established in 2005, we have grown to be a values-based youth association with a significant impact on local communities and the personal development of young individuals. Our commitment to creating, experiencing, and being together drives our efforts to empower the youth and contribute to the well-being of the broader community.

Présentation du programmeThe project initiated by Jaunatne smaidam / Youth for Smile, stemming from their 2010 Outdoor Education Center, is a commendable effort to foster environmental sustainability through an innovative sustainable farm-training center. This initiative aims to serve as a platform for the dissemination of information and knowledge about sustainability on both a local and global scale.The project invites international volunteers to participate in a work camp that adopts a holistic approach to everyday life. Volunteers will engage in various tasks based on weather conditions and real needs, spanning fields such as agriculture, farming, restoration of natural areas, and traditional building preservation.Key activities within the work camp include:Permaculture Garden Development: Volunteers will work on creating and maintaining a permaculture garden, emphasizing sustainable and regenerative farming practices.Animal Care: Volunteers will have the opportunity to care for animals on the farm, including sheep, goats, rabbits, etc. This involves building pasture paddocks and preparing food for the winter season.Restoration of Natural Areas: The project involves restoring natural meadows by clearing them of bushes and purifying rivers from overgrowth, contributing to the preservation of local ecosystems.Nature Path Creation: Volunteers will engage in creating a nature path in the forest by removing bushes and planting trees, enhancing the natural beauty of the area and providing educational opportunities.In addition to these hands-on activities, the work camp will incorporate non-formal education sessions focused on eco-activism. These sessions aim to empower volunteers by developing their competencies to implement activities within their communities. The methodology for these educational sessions has been developed within the framework of the Erasmus project "Youth Action For Nature and Well-being" (, the project represents a comprehensive and collaborative effort to address environmental sustainability through practical initiatives, education, and the engagement of international volunteers. The inclusion of various activities ensures a well-rounded experience for participants while contributing positively to the environment and local communities.

A propos du logement sur placeLiving conditions are very basic. Volunteers will be accommodated in a rural farm. Sleeping will be in tents provided by the organisers. We will provide mattresses as well. Toilets and washing facilities will be provided. Cooking will be done by volunteers themselves in the outdoor kitchen. Volunteers should bring their sleeping bags. Do not forget some traditional or typical food from your home country for the international evening.

Localisation du projetWork camp will be organized in BArbele village, Bauska municipality. The administrative centre of the municipality is Bauska located 60 km from RA)ga. More information about region - . More about Latvia -

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Drapeau de LettonieLettonie: LAUDERI III
Date: du 2024-08-19 à 2024-09-02
Code de projet: LV-YS-YS-2024-08
Type de projet: Projet reserve aux adolescents (16-18 ans),Projet de renovation,Projet environnemental,Travail manuel
Frais de participation au projet: 250 EUR
Fiche pays_Lettonie.pdf ; Lettonie_Fiche_Sante_Riga.pdf ;

Jaunatne smaidam / Youth for Smile is a non-profit, non-governmental youth organization founded in 2005. Our organization is dedicated to fostering the intellectual, creative, and personal development of young people through various initiatives. With .... Info

A propos de l'organisation localeJaunatne smaidam / Youth for Smile is a non-profit, non-governmental youth organization founded in 2005. Our organization is dedicated to fostering the intellectual, creative, and personal development of young people through various initiatives. With a mission to create, experience, and be together, we aim to provide opportunities that empower local communities and contribute to the growth of youth on both local and international levels.Our organization s primary goals are threefold: creating, experiencing, and being together. We strive to enable local communities to learn, participate, and self-realize (Creating), offer experiences at the local and international levels to promote personal development among young people (Experience), and cultivate an environment where young individuals can develop competencies for the growth of their communities (Being together).The organization is committed to fulfilling these goals through a range of tasks and programs. These include:1. Youth Initiatives: We actively develop and promote youth initiatives, fostering favorable conditions for intellectual and creative development.2. Non-formal Education: Providing young people with opportunities to acquire essential life skills, knowledge, and competencies through non-formal education.3. Leisure Time Activities: Offering opportunities for young individuals to make good use of their leisure time in meaningful ways.4. Information Access: Ensuring young people have access to relevant information for their developmental needs.To address the needs of youth with fewer opportunities, we implement outdoor education and adventure pedagogy through various non-formal education programs. Additionally, our international voluntary work camps program promotes intercultural learning, community development, and peace education.In low-populated areas, we conduct mobile youth work, providing essential youth services where municipalities may not cover them. Advocacy at the regional level is a crucial aspect of our work, advocating for the quality of youth work and the development of participatory youth policy.Furthermore, our active involvement in traditional folk and cultural events aims to introduce these aspects to the youth, preserving cultural heritage and fostering a sense of community. DIY workshops are organized to support young people in learning practical skills necessary for life.While the organization was established in 2005, we have grown to be a values-based youth association with a significant impact on local communities and the personal development of young individuals. Our commitment to creating, experiencing, and being together drives our efforts to empower the youth and contribute to the well-being of the broader community.

Présentation du programmeIn collaboration with a local NGO, "Youth for Smile," a youth organization, is embarking on an ambitious project to transform the abandoned former orphanage in Lauderi village into a vibrant non-formal education training centre. This workcamp activity aims to engage volunteers in revitalizing the surrounding area and the interior of the building, setting the stage for a future hub of learning and community development.The project activity will take place in Lauderi village, where the dormant training centre stands as a testament to untapped potential. This picturesque village provides the perfect backdrop for community-driven initiatives, and the youth organization envisions transforming the old orphanage into a lively educational space.Project Goals:Revitalizing the Park and Surrounding Area:Volunteers will work collaboratively to clean and rejuvenate the park surrounding the former orphanage. This includes clearing debris, landscaping, and creating a welcoming outdoor space for the future training centre.Interior Cleanup:In addition to the exterior, volunteers will venture inside the building to tackle the accumulated remnants of years of abandonment. This involves removing old and broken furniture, clothes, and other items that hinder the potential of the space.Community Engagement:The project aims to foster a sense of community among volunteers and local residents. Through shared efforts, participants will not only contribute to the physical transformation of the training centre but also build lasting connections with the community.

A propos du logement sur placeVolunteers participating in the workcamp will experience simple and basic living conditions. Accommodation will be provided in a nearby organization house, ensuring proximity to the working space for convenience. While the facilities may be basic, the goal is to create a communal and immersive experience.Sleeping Arrangements:Volunteers will be provided with beds for their stay. It is recommended that volunteers bring their sleeping bags for added comfort during the nights.Toilets and Washing Facilities:Basic toilet and washing facilities will be available on-site, ensuring that volunteers have essential amenities for their daily needs.Kitchen Setup:Volunteers will have access to a simple kitchen within the organization house. The kitchen is equipped with the essentials needed for preparing meals.Self-Catering:Cooking responsibilities will be delegated to the volunteers themselves. This self-catering approach fosters a sense of teamwork and collaboration, allowing participants to share cooking duties and create a communal atmosphere.International Evening:As a delightful addition to the cultural exchange aspect of the workcamp, volunteers are encouraged to bring traditional or typical food items from their home countries. These contributions will be part of an international evening, providing an opportunity for everyone to share and savor a diverse array of flavors from around the world.Additional Recommendations:Personal Essentials:Volunteers are advised to bring personal toiletries, towels, and any specific items they may need for their stay.Adaptability:Given the basic living conditions, a flexible and adaptable mindset is recommended. Embracing the simplicity of the accommodation enhances the overall workcamp experience.The focus of the accommodation and food arrangements is to create a communal living environment where volunteers can collaborate, share cultural experiences, and contribute to the success of the workcamp while enjoying the unique aspects of each participant s background.

Localisation du projetThe workcamp is set to take place in Lauderi village, situated in the Ludza municipality in the eastern part of Latvia. Ludza, the administrative center of the municipality, is the closest city, located 32 km away. Additionally, the village is approximately 310 km from RA)ga, the capital city of Latvia. The nearby city of Zilupe is approximately 11 km away.Lauderi is a small village nestled in the eastern part of Latvia, surrounded by scenic landscapes. The village is home to around 190 inhabitants, creating a close-knit and community-oriented setting.Ludza, the administrative center, offers a mix of historical and cultural attractions. Participants can explore Ludza during their leisure time to get a taste of regional life.Volunteers will have the opportunity to explore various cultural and historical places around Lauderi. This may include visits to local landmarks, historical sites, and places of significance.Participants are encouraged to organize intercultural events, providing a platform for cultural exchange within the diverse group of volunteers. Sharing traditions and customs enhances the overall workcamp experience.Given the small size of Lauderi village, volunteers can engage with local residents to learn about their way of life, traditions, and perhaps participate in community activities.For those who wish to explore beyond Lauderi, the official tourism website of Latvia provides insights into various destinations and experiences throughout the country: Leisure Recommendations:Nature Excursions:Take advantage of the rural surroundings for nature walks, hikes, or simply enjoying the tranquility of the Latvian countryside.Local Cuisine Experience:Explore local eateries or participate in cooking sessions to savor traditional Latvian cuisine.Interactive Workshops:Organize workshops or activities that allow participants to share aspects of their cultures, creating a dynamic exchange of ideas and traditions.The workcamp in Lauderi village offers not only the opportunity for meaningful contributions but also a chance to immerse oneself in the unique charm of a Latvian village. Participants are encouraged to make the most of their leisure time, fostering cultural exchange and creating lasting memories during the workcamp.

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