Service Volontaire International - Ato Village

Drapeau de JaponJapon: Ato Village
Date: Project Permanent
Code de projet: JP--JPN-07
Type de projet: Projet agricole,Projet environnemental,Assistant de langue,Projet sportif
Frais de participation au projet: 2700 EUR
Descriptions :

About the local hosting organization

Providing an opportunity to communicate between the people in the Ato area and urban areas around Yamaguchi through the creation of an active and attractive village, and achieving the best possible life for villagers in regards to the local resources.

Presentation of the programme

To invite more youth to the village, and connect farmers to build sustainable community. Promoting loca lorganic food to encourage local people.They are planning their renovated traditional Japanese style house to be more open to international environment. Additionally, they hold a lot of events such as short trip for children, agricultural lessons for adults,and intercultural communication sessions.

volunteer will do : Agriculture,-Support events-Helping with any problems that face the community and villagers

Local accommodation

Volunteers will be accommodated in the project, and must cook for themselves.
Or we can occasionally arrange host family depend on the availability.

About the project location

This village is surrounded by the beauty of nature. Thepopulation of the Ato area is about 6,500, even thoughthere are about 195,000 in Yamaguchi-city. Volunteerscan get to a train station and a convenience store; bothnear the share-house, by bicycle.


・Japanese language skill (More than basic)
・Flexibility, acceptable posture , patience to complete work, and a curiosity for everything
・Something to introduce your own country or Culture.
・An interest and eagerness for challenges.
・Volunteers who love nature and a Japanese rural lifestyleare welcome

Extra info about the project

Attention! En recherche des volontaires long-term (de 6 au 12 mois)

Il y a une limite d'âge, veuillez d'abord contacter le coordinateur.

Frais de participation 2.700,00 € / 6 mois 4.000,00 € / 1 an

(Note: Vous êtes logé(e) par notre partenaire local pendant le projet. Au cas où vous arrivez avant le debut du projet, vous pourrez réserver une chambre ici.)

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