
Type de projet

Date de début:
Date de fin:
Drapeau de AllemagneAllemagne: KA210-VET Project Management Tools For VET trainees
Date: Projet Permanent
Code de projet: DE-LLFYG-LLFYG-14367-DE
Type de projet: Echange de jeunes (eramus+),Mobilité des professionnels de jeunesse (eramus+)

L4Y is a technology company working in the youth field to improve young people's skills
For further information, please visit our site.
For our PIF
.... Info

A propos de l'organisation localeL4Y is a technology company working in the youth field to improve young people's skills
For further information, please visit our site.
For our PIF

Présentation du programme

We are looking for a secondary VET partner for our KA210 project about Project Management Tools.

We are looking for a secondary VET partner for our KA210 project about Project Management Tools. Please send your PIF to [email protected] with the subject field “KA210-VET Project Management Tools For VET trainees."

Localisation du projetWarning: Due to the fact that the project location is not readily available, the location has been set to the city and country where the organization is mainly located.
Be aware that this location is not necessarily the one where the project will take place and that an organization can also be present in multiple cities and/or countries.
Please read the description to check if a more accurate location is specified.

ExigencesThis project is looking for 1 more partner from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries.

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Drapeau de AllemagneAllemagne: Allemand à Münster
Date: Projet Permanent
Code de projet: DE-SVI-B-All à MünsterAUTO-EXT
Type de projet: Apprentissage des langues
Frais de participation au projet: 380 EUR

Notre école partenaire est située à Münster, une ville aux contrastes saisissants entre le charme pittoresque de son vieux centre historique et les nombreux exemples d’architecture moderne. L’établissement propose aux étudiants une grand .... Info

A propos de l'organisation locale

Notre école partenaire est située à Münster, une ville aux contrastes saisissants entre le charme pittoresque de son vieux centre historique et les nombreux exemples d’architecture moderne. L’établissement propose aux étudiants une grande variété de formules de cours incluant un programme culturel et social.

Présentation du programme

L’établissement offre une grande variété de formules possibles ainsi que des séances d’aide à l’apprentissage et aux devoirs. Les différents cours sont accompagnés d’un programme attrayant d'activités culturelles et sociales qui sont organisées et accompagnées par des membres du personnel : visites guidées de la ville, circuits à vélo, dîners internationaux, cinéma, excursions, visites de musées, visites de pubs, sports, dîner d'adieu et bien plus encore. Tout cela garantit une atmosphère détendue et fait de ton séjour à Münster une expérience riche et stimulante.

Allemand général (20 cours/semaine)
Allemand intensif (24 cours/semaine)
Préparation à l’université
Cours d’été (standard ou intensif)
Allemand professionnel (30 cours/semaine)
Cours individuels (20 à 30 cours/semaine)
Préparation TestDaF et Telc

A propos du logement sur place

Logement : 
En famille d’accueil
En appartement privé
En chambre d’hôtel

Localisation du projet

Avec plus de 300 000 habitants, Münster est la plus grande ville du nord de la Westphalie et l'une des villes offrant la meilleure qualité de vie en Allemagne. La ville de Münster renferme une population jeune qui contribue largement à son atmosphère ouverte et conviviale.

A propos des activités de loisirs possibles

L’école propose des excursions régulières le week-end à Cologne, Hambourg ou dans d'autres villes qui se situent à seulement quelques heures de train. Les activités de loisirs les plus populaires à Münster sont le roller, le canoë et la visite de l'unique Allwetterzoo. La promenade, qui entoure tout le centre-ville, les nombreux parcs et le lac Aasee sont idéaux pour se détendre en plein air. La diversité des manifestations culturelles et des activités rend la ville unique.


Nécessaire : carte d’identité en cours de validité

Informations supplémentaires sur le projet

Budget pour 2 semaines (approx.) :

Cours : à partir de 380€ (3 activités/semaine incluses)

Logement : à partir de 235€

Transports depuis Bruxelles:
Bus : à partir de 13€

Transports depuis Paris :
Bus : à partir de 19€

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Drapeau de AllemagneAllemagne: Intensive Language Course
Date: Projet Permanent
Code de projet: DE-Int-D-Intensive Language Course A1AUTO-EXT
Type de projet: Apprentissage des langues
Frais de participation au projet: 1575 EUR

Notre école partenaire combine compétence et expérience dans les cours d’allemand (en tant que langue étrangère) qu’il propose. Les cours de langue sont conçus pour répondre aux besoins des participants. Tous les cours proposés sont ba .... Info

A propos de l'organisation locale

Notre école partenaire combine compétence et expérience dans les cours d’allemand (en tant que langue étrangère) qu’il propose. Les cours de langue sont conçus pour répondre aux besoins des participants. Tous les cours proposés sont basés sur le «Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues».

Présentation du programme

Le programme intensif est le choix idéal, pour les personnes qui ont besoin d'une très bonne maitrise de l'allemand pour leurs études ou leur emploi. Ou pour les personnes qui souhaitent apprendre l'allemand efficacement en peu de temps. 

L’école propose des cours de niveau A1, A2, B1, B2 et C1 du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECR) :

- Phase de test en ligne avant de commencer les cours
- Durée du programme par niveau : environ 2 mois
- 200 cours de 45 minutes par niveau
- Leçons quotidiennes en présentiel, avec une partie d’apprentissage supplémentaire à faire soi-même via une plateforme en ligne
- Matériel pédagogique et d’apprentissage inclus

L’école peut également préparer les participants aux certifications suivantes :
- les examens TELC (The European Language Certificates) niveau A1, A2, B1 et B2
- le DSH, qui permet d’intégrer les universités allemandes et qui peut être passé séparément à la Studienkolleg Sachsen.

Organisation des cours :
- Entre 14 et 18 participants par groupe
- Du lundi au vendredi
- 4 unités par jour en présentiel, plus 2 unités à faire soi-même via une plateforme en ligne
- Matériel pédagogique et d’apprentissage modernes
- Un examen final à la fin des niveaux A1 à B2

Programme d’étude :
- Vocabulaire et grammaire
- Compréhension orale et écrite
- Rédaction et expression orale
- Exercices de phonétique
- Préparation aux examens
- Cours axés sur la réalisation du projet

Cours de langue intensifs niveau A2
01.12.2021 – 31.01.2022 Cours de langue intensifs niveau A2
01.02.2022 – 31.03.2022 Cours de langue intensifs niveau A2
01.04.2022 – 31.05.2022 Cours de langue intensifs niveau A2
01.06.2022 – 29.07.2022 Cours de langue intensifs niveau A2
01.08.2022 – 30.09.2022 Cours de langue intensifs niveau A2
Cours de langue intensifs niveau B1
01.12.2021 – 31.01.2022 Cours de langue intensifs niveau B1
01.02.2022 – 31.03.2022 Cours de langue intensifs niveau B1
01.04.2022 – 31.05.2022 Cours de langue intensifs niveau B1
01.06.2022 – 29.07.2022 Cours de langue intensifs niveau B1
01.08.2022 – 30.09.2022 Cours de langue intensifs niveau B1
Cours de langue intensifs niveau B2
01.02.2022 – 31.03.2022 Cours de langue intensifs niveau B2
01.04.2022 – 31.05.2022 Cours de langue intensifs niveau B2
01.06.2022 – 29.07.2022 Cours de langue intensifs niveau B2
01.08.2022 – 30.09.2022 Cours de langue intensifs niveau B2
04.10.2022 – 30.11.2022 Cours de langue intensifs niveau B2

A propos du logement sur place

L’école de langue aide les participants à trouver un logement à Leipzig. Ils peuvent avoir une chambre simple dans une résidence universitaire. Plusieurs dortoirs sont disponibles pour les différents programmes. Ils sont situés dans différents quartiers de la ville et sont tous accessibles facilement grâce aux transports publics.

Localisation du projet

Vingt ans après la révolution pacifique de 1989, Leipzig est devenue un lieu où beaucoup aiment vivre et travailler. La popularité de la ville est en hausse. Leipzig a récemment fait la une du Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung : « Cet endroit n'est pas un rêve ».

C'est la combinaison suivante qui fait la différence à Leipzig : c'est une grande ville avec de nombreux espaces verts où les gens sont ouverts à la nouveauté. Nombreux sont ceux qui la décrivent comme animée et passionnante - un lieu où coexistent culture de haut niveau et sous-culture. C'est cette combinaison qui différencie vraiment Leipzig, et ce sentiment est encore souligné par le New York Times. Le quotidien affirme que Leipzig est ce que Berlin était il y a dix ans et que l'ambiance euphorique des années 90 est encore perceptible. Le journal est également séduit par la scène artistique et musicale de Leipzig, comme le détaille un autre article.

A propos des activités de loisirs possibles

L'école organise des évènements culturels pour les participants des niveaux A1, A2 et B2 et des excursions pour les participants des niveaux B1 et C1. 

En plus de ces activités organisés par l'école, les participants pourront découvrir la «MarktPlatz», avec ses boutiques, l'ancien hôtel de ville, le passage Specks Hof, l'église Saint-Nicolas. Pas loin se trouve également le «Madler Passage», la ville possède une trentaine de passages mais celui-ci est peut-être le plus beau d'entre eux. On peut également citer le musée Panometer, le quartier des théâtres, le parc de Wackelturm et la Panorama Tower. 


Pour une participation réussie, les participants auront besoin du matériel technique suivant :
- Ordinateur fixe ou portable avec un navigateur à jour
- Caméra
- Microphone
- Connexion internet stable

Informations supplémentaires sur le projet

Frais pour ce programme : 1 575,00 € par niveau

Les frais de participation à ce programme comprennent :
- Cours de langue
- Apprentissage autonome sur la plateforme en ligne
- Examens finaux pour les niveaux A1 à B2
- Matériel pédagogique et d’apprentissage
- Accès à la plateforme Moodle et aux ordinateurs de l’université de Leipzig
- Évènements culturels et excursions

Il faut également prévoir les frais pour l’hébergement, la nourriture et l’assurance.

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Drapeau de AllemagneAllemagne: ESC: 2024_Johannesberg School Mosbach - Johannes-Diakonie
Date: Projet Permanent
Code de projet: DE-JOMO-DE39218
Type de projet: Projet educatif,Corps européen de solidarité (ces-esc),Projet social
Attention,ce projet n'est accessible que dans le cadre du Service Volontaire Européen

MLTV1901-4 Education for Disadvantaged Children – Sakon Nakhon is created at Rajaprajanugroh 53 School where it is the school for disadvantaged and poor children in the countryside of Sakon-Nakhon, Thailand. Rajaprajanugroh 53 School is the sch .... Info

A propos de l'organisation localeMLTV1901-4 Education for Disadvantaged Children – Sakon Nakhon is created at Rajaprajanugroh 53 School where it is the school for disadvantaged and poor children in the countryside of Sakon-Nakhon, Thailand. Rajaprajanugroh 53 School is the school for disadvantaged and poor children in the countryside of Sakon Nakhon, Thailand. The school is under the royal foundation offers education, food and accommodation for the children who have no parents, the children from the poor family, and the children from the very remote area. They can come and stay at the school from the primary (7 years old) to high school (18 years old). The volunteers can share and learn culture, language, and knowledge with the local community and children in school. Everyone can study about each country, nationality, culture, etc. in the real situation. The volunteers can see how the difference between people even they live in the same city. Moreover, the volunteers will know more about Thailand during working in the local community. The great volunteers came to give the opportunity for children and the local people in the community. Many local people can improve their English skills through a group by a group of volunteer, or at least they try to speak the English language more. They dare to face and work with the foreigner even though they cannot speak English. Moreover, the volunteers have changed the local community. They used to stay lively and trustily with the foreigner. Local people have a

Présentation du programme

Volunteers are expected to work as an English teacher in primary and high school. You can prepare the easy English lesson and useful conversation. Open mind and share a new experience with the students. Use your own experience for teaching and enjoying the game.

Creative teaching English : creative teaching is important to recognize; teaching certificate does not need for specific quality of volunteer but creative is the one of yours. Aims of creative teaching are giving the chance for students in the school or the place nearby to have the opportunity to communicate with different language, touch difference culture, and believing. Teaching the English language by activity; using games, song, storytelling, art or performance to encourage them to communicate in English. The volunteer should create the game and activity for a student who is 7- 18 years old. We do not expect the student can learn more about reading and writing, but we want the volunteer makes them dare to speak English at the beginning.

A propos du logement sur placeThe volunteer will stay at the school dormitory and the teacher’s house in the school. • Nature environment, basic and simple. • Mattress, pillow, and fan are provided. • Thai toilet and bath. • No food and drinks except water in the sleeping area for your care because some animals such as the mouses, ants, will come to share your food. • Please keep clean and tidy. Volunteers expect to eat Thai food. The school will prepare the food for the volunteer.

A propos de l'alimentation

Localisation du projet

A propos des activités de loisirs possibles

Informations supplémentaires sur le projetRespect culture, open mind, and love to learn and share

Description de prixProjects from the european commission are free for volunteers

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Drapeau de AllemagneAllemagne: German Language Courses at KAPITO
Date: Projet Permanent
Type de projet: Apprentissage des langues

Ce projet est fait pour les volontaires qui souhaitent apprendre l'allemand afin d'étudier dans une université allemande, travailler en Allemagne ou simplement améliorer leurs connaissances en allemand. Quelle que soit la motivation, l'école d .... Info

A propos de l'organisation locale

Ce projet est fait pour les volontaires qui souhaitent apprendre l'allemand afin d'étudier dans une université allemande, travailler en Allemagne ou simplement améliorer leurs connaissances en allemand. Quelle que soit la motivation, l'école de langues de notre partenaire, située dans la dynamique ville universitaire de Münster, propose le cours d'allemand. 
Choisir les cours d'allemand de notre partenaire garantira aux partenaires d'atteindre leurs objectifs de manière efficace et agréable dans un environnement d'apprentissage détendu et convivial.

Présentation du programme

Cours standard d'allemand (20 leçons par semaine)

Ce cours est pour les volontaires qui souhaitent étudier dans un petit groupe, progresser rapidement et rester pour une plus longue période. 
À partir de 150 €/semaine.

Cours intensif (24 leçons par semaine)
En plus des cours du matin du cours standard, le cours intensif d'allemand comprend une double leçon supplémentaire deux après-midis par semaine, offrant une formation aux compétences, de la grammaire et une préparation aux examens.
À partir de 175 €/semaine.

Cours de préparation universitaire (24 leçons par semaine)
Les modules de base et avancés comprennent chacun 24 leçons par semaine ; le cours complet dure 36 semaines, soit un total de 864 leçons. Les volontaires peuvent également participer au soutien pédagogique gratuit et à la supervision des devoirs l'après-midi.

L'enseignement linguistique est dès le départ orienté pour répondre aux exigences des examens d'entrée à l'université et pour fournir aux volontaires les compétences linguistiques nécessaires durant les études universitaires. Les volontaires travaillent en petits groupes de maximum 12 participants et se familiarisent non seulement avec la grammaire et la communication quotidienne, mais aussi, dès le début, avec le travail sur des textes écrits, la rédaction de travaux sur des sujets spécifiques, la compréhension de textes audio longs et complexes, la prise de notes, etc.

Le cours de préparation universitaire de notre partenaire prépare les participants aux examens de langue d'entrée à l'université TestDaF et DSH. Le cours comprend un module de base (débutants) et un module avancé (non-débutants). Le module de base dure 24 semaines et couvre les niveaux A1, A2 et B1. Le module avancé continue au niveau B2 et dure 12 semaines.

Cours de préparation universitaire (24 leçons par semaine)
À partir de 2.124 € pour 12 semaines. Âge minimum : 18 ans.
Cours d'été (20 leçons par semaine)
Les volontaires combinent un apprentissage efficace et une expérience de vacances agréable dans une ville attrayante et jeune tout en profitant du vaste programme d'activités culturelles et sociales de notre partenaire.

À partir de 235 €/semaine.
Cours d'été intensif (24 leçons par semaine)
Les volontaires combinent un apprentissage efficace et une expérience de vacances agréable dans une ville attrayante et jeune tout en profitant du vaste programme d'activités culturelles et sociales de notre partenaire.

En plus du cours d'été du matin, le cours d'été intensif d'allemand comprend 2 x 2 leçons d'après-midi (formation aux compétences, grammaire, préparation aux examens, etc.).
À partir de 235 €/semaine.

Cours compact (30 leçons par semaine)
Pour les volontaires qui souhaitent améliorer leur allemand en seulement quelques semaines grâce à des leçons individuelles utilisant du contenu lié à l'emploi. 
À partir de 660 €/semaine.

Cours individuel (20/30 leçons par semaine)
Pour les volontaires qui cherchent un cours de langue allemande adapté à vos besoins individuels, garantissant un succès d'apprentissage maximal en un minimum de temps. 
À partir de 930 €/semaine.

A propos du logement sur place

Notre partenaire peut proposer aux volontaires d'être hébergés chez des hôtes allemands. Selon les souhaits, les volontaires peuvent séjourner avec une famille ou une personne seule, avec plusieurs colocataires dans un appartement partagé ou seul dans un appartement.

Les volontaires peuvent réserver une chambre avec petit-déjeuner ou demi-pension, ou bien cuisiner eux-mêmes et partager la cuisine avec les hôtes. Il faut choisir ce qui convient le mieux !
Toutes les chambres sont des chambres individuelles et ne sont pas loin de l'école, il ne faut généralement pas plus de 30 minutes pour y arriver à pied, en bus ou à vélo.

A propos de l'alimentation

Lors de ce projet, les volontaires pourront déguster une variété de plats qui représentent la diversité culinaire régionale. Des plats tels que Töttchen: ragoût de viande traditionnellement préparé avec des abats de veau, mais de nos jours souvent fait avec du bœuf ou du porc. Ou bien encore Westfälischer Pickert: galette de pommes de terre servie avec du beurre, de la confiture ou du sirop.

Des options végétariennes et véganes seront également proposées. 

Localisation du projet

Münster est une ville universitaire animée située dans le nord-ouest de l'Allemagne, malgré ses plus de 330 000 habitants. Se déplacer est facile et sûr.

Plus de 60 000 étudiants fréquentent les différents établissements d'enseignement supérieur, dont environ 5 000 viennent de l'étranger. La variété des institutions académiques et la large gamme de sujets d'étude et de recherche font de Münster l'un des endroits les plus populaires pour étudier en Allemagne.

Les étudiants et les jeunes en général définissent en grande partie le rythme de vie de la ville et contribuent à l'atmosphère animée de Münster.

Se déplacer dans la ville est facile - bien qu'il n'y ait pas de métro à Münster, la ville est l'un des endroits les plus favorables aux cyclistes en Allemagne, avec un vaste réseau de pistes et de sentiers cyclables. Ceux qui préfèrent d'autres moyens de transport peuvent compter sur un excellent réseau de transports en commun comprenant des bus et des trains.
Selon les enquêtes menées auprès des étudiants, plus de 90 % d'entre eux attribuent à Münster la note maximale de « excellent ».

Les étudiants et autres habitants apprécient les espaces verts de Münster, la convivialité des gens, l'architecture intéressante et les nombreuses activités de loisirs. La plupart trouvent la ville agréable, confortable et très attrayante - ni trop grande ni trop petite.

A propos des activités de loisirs possibles

Lors de ce projet, les volontaires pourront découvrir la ville en effectuant diverses activités comme par exemple la visite de la vieille ville en explorant les rues pavées pittoresques, et en admirant l'architecture historique et découvrez des sites emblématiques comme la Prinzipalmarkt et la Lambertikirche. Mais aussi visiter le château de Münster: château historique abritant aujourd'hui l'université de Münster et offrant de belles vues depuis sa tour. 


Notre partenaire recherche des volontaires motivés, sérieux et désireux de découvrir de nouvelles cultures tout en améliorant leur niveau d'allemand. 

Informations supplémentaires sur le projet

Si les volontaires ont déjà des connaissances en allemand, ils peuvent commencer le cours chez notre partenaire n'importe quel lundi. Sans apprentissage préalable, les volontaires commenceront les cours à une date fixe.

Dans un petit groupe multinational, avec une taille de classe maximale de 12 élèves, les volontaires amélioreront facilement leurs connaissances générales en allemand, ou se prépareront à divers examens de langue et, dans le processus, et se feront de nouveaux amis venus du monde entier.

Chaque classe a deux enseignants, chacun entièrement dédié au développement linguistique individuel de leurs étudiants.
En plus de suivre les cours d'allemand, les volontaires sont libres de rejoindre le groupe de soutien de notre partenaire à l'apprentissage l'après-midi pour travailler sur des devoirs, faire des exercices supplémentaires ou étudier spécifiquement pour un examen.

Et quiconque étudie beaucoup a besoin de détente. C'est pourquoi tous les cours incluent un programme culturel et social. Visites de la ville, événements sportifs, visites de musées, soirées au pub, après-midis créatifs, notre partenaire répond à tous les goûts. Les volontaires peuvent rencontrer de nouveaux amis pour les activités et pratiquer ce qu'ils ont appris en classe le matin. 

Ne pas oublier : le programme culturel et social, le soutien à l'apprentissage l'après-midi et tous les matériels pédagogiques (livres et photocopies) sont tous inclus dans le prix du cours !
Emploi du temps – Cours standard
Lundi – Vendredi : 9h00 – 12h30
Emploi du temps – Cours intensif et cours universitaire
Lundi – Vendredi : 9h00 – 12h30
En plus, 2 après-midis par semaine : 13h30 – 15h00

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Drapeau de AllemagneAllemagne: ESC: ESC Voluntary Service in the Sinnberg Grundschule in Bad Kissingen
Date: du 2025-02-01 à 2025-08-03
Code de projet: DE-FPDA-DE43836
Type de projet: Corps européen de solidarité (ces-esc),Projet educatif
Attention,ce projet n'est accessible que dans le cadre du Service Volontaire Européen

FPD was founded in 2009, thanks the Regional Governament which granted its foundation on the basis of the activities planned for the social development of the regional rural areas. It is a non-profit regional civil organization, made by young and se .... Info

A propos de l'organisation localeFPD was founded in 2009, thanks the Regional Governament which granted its foundation on the basis of the activities planned for the social development of the regional rural areas. It is a non-profit regional civil organization, made by young and senior people. It's mission is to promote and facilitate the development of rural areas of the Puglia Region, thanks to the implementation of projects concerning volunteering, youth, social inclusion, environment protection, sustainable development, promotion of the importance of biodiversity, organic farming, nature and sport and outdoor activities. FPD focuses its attention on European mobility, both for the personal development of its single members and for the growth of local partner organizations at International level. The main target group is youth under 35 y.o., but the organization also works with senior people. Both the categories have in common the fact they are made of disadvantaged people from rural areas. The young people are mainly NEET, which means FPD offers them several opportunities to learn, be trained and educated at local and European level in order to enrich their curricula and get more chances for their job-placement or self-employment. FPD cooperates with several Public and Private entities at all levels, such as: a) Municipality of Taurisano (IT) - FPD cooperates in the organization of local events in several fields (waste collection, Music festivals, youth participation in decision making processes, cultural activities, music events, photo exhibitions....); b) Province of Lecce (IT) – FPD had a project concerning young people's involvement in local initiatives concerning ecology and biological food, re-use of different materials and recycle of waste; c) Region of Puglia (IT) – FPD cooperates with its Region on projects concerning promotion of natural resources of rural areas; d) Several EU NGOs are partners in the implementation of Youth Exchanges, Youth and Democracy projects, Training Courses, seminars, workshops, volunteering activties in different fields. What is more, FPD is member of numerous European Networks financed by the Europe for Citizens Programme, for the valorization of the EU Cultural Heritage (tangible, intangible, digital and natural), the promotion of Youth Mobility for learning, training, working, studying and volunteering abroad, the active participation (mainly digital participation) at EU level of youth and seniors.

Présentation du programmeThe Sinnberg Grundschule is a public elementary school of around 330 children with 16 classes going from 1st to 4th grade. A whole series of offered classes and workshops should give to the children the opportunity to develop their personality. The special offers in music, sport, reading, English, theatre, bicycle, experiencing nature and social interaction are going to shape their day at school. The all-day classes stay in school until the afternoon where the children are taken care of and receive diverse free- time offers.

A propos du logement sur placeThe volunteer will get own room in a flat with another ESC volunteer in Bad Kissingen. The volunteer will receive monthly pocket money (7€ per day) and food allowance. In Bad Kissingen you can reach everything on foot but the volunteer will get Deutschland-Ticket for regional trains across Germany.

A propos des activités de loisirs possiblesThe volunteer will participate in ESC-seminars (on arrival and mid-term). He/she will also be part of the international group of volunteers in Lower Franconia and can participate in in anti-discrimination workshops led by the coordinating organisation.

ExigencesThe Participant profile: The volunteer should be interested in working with children and youth in a creative way. Knowledge of German language will be an advantage.
Deadline: 22/01/2025 23:59

Informations supplémentaires sur le projetThe project is implemented under the European Solidarity Corps Programme, financed by the European Commission.
The participating organisations have to be mindful of these needs as they are responsible for providing a respectful and trusting hosting environment. At the same time, the organisations participating in the initiative devote a great deal of time, energy and resources to set up a high-quality activity; they should therefore expect that European Solidarity Corps participants show a similar level of respect for the local communities and the people that are directly concerned by the activities (
What do we provide ?

  • Training before and after the project
  • Health insurance during your project
  • round-trip travel reimbursement
  • accommodation and food
  • pocket money
  • language course
  • Return Week-end
  • Youth Pass and SVI international Volunteer passport

Before applying for this volunteering project, you need to enroll yourself at European Solidarity Corps Platform ( and specify your European Solidarity Corps Participant Number (PRN).
This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label.
Contact the ESC coordinator at +32 2 888 67 13 to get more informations.

Description de prixProjects from the european commission are free for volunteers

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Drapeau de AllemagneAllemagne: ESC: Looking for a volunteer in Children and Youth Centre in Rimpar
Date: du 2025-02-01 à 2025-08-31
Code de projet: DE-FPDA-DE43838
Type de projet: Corps européen de solidarité (ces-esc),Projet social,Projet educatif,Projet culturel
Attention,ce projet n'est accessible que dans le cadre du Service Volontaire Européen

FPD was founded in 2009, thanks the Regional Governament which granted its foundation on the basis of the activities planned for the social development of the regional rural areas. It is a non-profit regional civil organization, made by young and se .... Info

A propos de l'organisation localeFPD was founded in 2009, thanks the Regional Governament which granted its foundation on the basis of the activities planned for the social development of the regional rural areas. It is a non-profit regional civil organization, made by young and senior people. It's mission is to promote and facilitate the development of rural areas of the Puglia Region, thanks to the implementation of projects concerning volunteering, youth, social inclusion, environment protection, sustainable development, promotion of the importance of biodiversity, organic farming, nature and sport and outdoor activities. FPD focuses its attention on European mobility, both for the personal development of its single members and for the growth of local partner organizations at International level. The main target group is youth under 35 y.o., but the organization also works with senior people. Both the categories have in common the fact they are made of disadvantaged people from rural areas. The young people are mainly NEET, which means FPD offers them several opportunities to learn, be trained and educated at local and European level in order to enrich their curricula and get more chances for their job-placement or self-employment. FPD cooperates with several Public and Private entities at all levels, such as: a) Municipality of Taurisano (IT) - FPD cooperates in the organization of local events in several fields (waste collection, Music festivals, youth participation in decision making processes, cultural activities, music events, photo exhibitions....); b) Province of Lecce (IT) – FPD had a project concerning young people's involvement in local initiatives concerning ecology and biological food, re-use of different materials and recycle of waste; c) Region of Puglia (IT) – FPD cooperates with its Region on projects concerning promotion of natural resources of rural areas; d) Several EU NGOs are partners in the implementation of Youth Exchanges, Youth and Democracy projects, Training Courses, seminars, workshops, volunteering activties in different fields. What is more, FPD is member of numerous European Networks financed by the Europe for Citizens Programme, for the valorization of the EU Cultural Heritage (tangible, intangible, digital and natural), the promotion of Youth Mobility for learning, training, working, studying and volunteering abroad, the active participation (mainly digital participation) at EU level of youth and seniors.

Présentation du programmeThe volunteers will support the Youth and Children Centre in Rimpar as well as help during the events (holiday activities, actions etc.). This project has two locations: Youth Centre and Children Centre in a school. The volunteer has the chance to organize games, animations, events for children and young people. There is also an opportunity to organize her/his own project.

A propos du logement sur placeThe volunteers will receive separate room in a flat, pocket money, food money, German language course, insurance, reimbursement of the international travel costs, seminars with other volunteers, pedagogical, organizational, and personal support.

A propos des activités de loisirs possiblesthe volunteer will take part in two ESC seminars (in the beginning and in the middle of the project) to discuss and share ideas about the volunteering year. During the year, every month the coordinating organization (Jugenbildungstâtte Unterfranken) organizes meetings between the volunteers.

ExigencesThe Participant profile: We are looking for a volunteer between 18 and 30 years old who is interested in culture, art, children, and youth work. German knowledge is not mandatory, but advisable.
Deadline: 19/01/2025 23:09

Informations supplémentaires sur le projetThe project is implemented under the European Solidarity Corps Programme, financed by the European Commission.
The participating organisations have to be mindful of these needs as they are responsible for providing a respectful and trusting hosting environment. At the same time, the organisations participating in the initiative devote a great deal of time, energy and resources to set up a high-quality activity; they should therefore expect that European Solidarity Corps participants show a similar level of respect for the local communities and the people that are directly concerned by the activities (
What do we provide ?

  • Training before and after the project
  • Health insurance during your project
  • round-trip travel reimbursement
  • accommodation and food
  • pocket money
  • language course
  • Return Week-end
  • Youth Pass and SVI international Volunteer passport

Before applying for this volunteering project, you need to enroll yourself at European Solidarity Corps Platform ( and specify your European Solidarity Corps Participant Number (PRN).
This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label.
Contact the ESC coordinator at +32 2 888 67 13 to get more informations.

Description de prixProjects from the european commission are free for volunteers

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Drapeau de AllemagneAllemagne: ESC: Do your best for every quest. Give your heart when giving a hand.
Date: du 2025-02-15 à 2025-02-28
Code de projet: DE-FPDA-DE43905
Type de projet: Corps européen de solidarité (ces-esc),Projet social,Projet environnemental,Projet culturel
Attention,ce projet n'est accessible que dans le cadre du Service Volontaire Européen

FPD was founded in 2009, thanks the Regional Governament which granted its foundation on the basis of the activities planned for the social development of the regional rural areas. It is a non-profit regional civil organization, made by young and se .... Info

A propos de l'organisation localeFPD was founded in 2009, thanks the Regional Governament which granted its foundation on the basis of the activities planned for the social development of the regional rural areas. It is a non-profit regional civil organization, made by young and senior people. It's mission is to promote and facilitate the development of rural areas of the Puglia Region, thanks to the implementation of projects concerning volunteering, youth, social inclusion, environment protection, sustainable development, promotion of the importance of biodiversity, organic farming, nature and sport and outdoor activities. FPD focuses its attention on European mobility, both for the personal development of its single members and for the growth of local partner organizations at International level. The main target group is youth under 35 y.o., but the organization also works with senior people. Both the categories have in common the fact they are made of disadvantaged people from rural areas. The young people are mainly NEET, which means FPD offers them several opportunities to learn, be trained and educated at local and European level in order to enrich their curricula and get more chances for their job-placement or self-employment. FPD cooperates with several Public and Private entities at all levels, such as: a) Municipality of Taurisano (IT) - FPD cooperates in the organization of local events in several fields (waste collection, Music festivals, youth participation in decision making processes, cultural activities, music events, photo exhibitions....); b) Province of Lecce (IT) – FPD had a project concerning young people's involvement in local initiatives concerning ecology and biological food, re-use of different materials and recycle of waste; c) Region of Puglia (IT) – FPD cooperates with its Region on projects concerning promotion of natural resources of rural areas; d) Several EU NGOs are partners in the implementation of Youth Exchanges, Youth and Democracy projects, Training Courses, seminars, workshops, volunteering activties in different fields. What is more, FPD is member of numerous European Networks financed by the Europe for Citizens Programme, for the valorization of the EU Cultural Heritage (tangible, intangible, digital and natural), the promotion of Youth Mobility for learning, training, working, studying and volunteering abroad, the active participation (mainly digital participation) at EU level of youth and seniors.

Présentation du programmeThis program offers young Europeans a unique opportunity for practical experience through social work, cultural exchange, and personal development. Activities include organizing senior afternoons, supporting the mayor in community projects, and helping maintain Abentheuer's multi-generational space amidst the Hunsrück-Hochwald's natural beauty. At Goloka Dhama e.V., volunteers gain insights into managing a spiritual community, attending meetings, and participating in areas like wooden construction, gardening, and vegan/vegetarian cooking workshops. Community meetings foster engagement and skill-building, while afternoons with international host families provide rich intercultural exchanges. The program balances work with Quidong, music lessons, and excursions to historic sites like the Celtic Ring Wall, deepening environmental and cultural awareness. Volunteers enjoy camaraderie through activities like table tennis tournaments, festivals, and feasts. Join this transformative experience

A propos du logement sur placeDormitories (women and men separated) (8-10 beds) with shared shower/toilet facilities. We serve our guests freshly prepared vegetarian and vegan meals three times a day, made with love. All necessary local trips can be done by bicycle or with our driver's car. There is a local bus to the shopping centers every 2 hours (10-minute ride). Upon arrival and departure, a ride to the train station or airport will be organized, and we will also take care of the tickets.

A propos des activités de loisirs possiblesGardening: Learn to sustainably make wood and listen to practical explanations about the specifics of landscape and garden maintenance on the edge of the Hunsrück-Hochwald. Special topics in the Bhagavatam: Explore spiritual themes and apply ancient wisdom for your personal growth. Multigenerational space in the community of Abentheuer: clean and renew, connect nature conservation in the Hunsrück-Hochwald National Park with social work. Organizational talent: develop and expand your personal skills for professional organization beyond your personal environment or apply your knowledge

ExigencesThe Participant profile: The only interest we have in this part of the process is to ensure that we accept as many participants as possible whom we believe will enjoy their time with us, based on the stated interests, their enthusiasm, and motivation. The main basis of the selection criteria is the background interest and/or experience in specific topics and activities.
Deadline: 02/02/2025 12:00

Informations supplémentaires sur le projetThe project is implemented under the European Solidarity Corps Programme, financed by the European Commission.
The participating organisations have to be mindful of these needs as they are responsible for providing a respectful and trusting hosting environment. At the same time, the organisations participating in the initiative devote a great deal of time, energy and resources to set up a high-quality activity; they should therefore expect that European Solidarity Corps participants show a similar level of respect for the local communities and the people that are directly concerned by the activities (
What do we provide ?

  • Training before and after the project
  • Health insurance during your project
  • round-trip travel reimbursement
  • accommodation and food
  • pocket money
  • language course
  • Return Week-end
  • Youth Pass and SVI international Volunteer passport

Before applying for this volunteering project, you need to enroll yourself at European Solidarity Corps Platform ( and specify your European Solidarity Corps Participant Number (PRN).
This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label.
Contact the ESC coordinator at +32 2 888 67 13 to get more informations.

Description de prixProjects from the european commission are free for volunteers

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Drapeau de AllemagneAllemagne: ESC: Be a Monk Challenge!
Date: du 2025-04-06 à 2025-04-27
Code de projet: DE-FPDA-DE43833
Type de projet: Corps européen de solidarité (ces-esc),Projet social,Projet educatif,Projet culturel
Attention,ce projet n'est accessible que dans le cadre du Service Volontaire Européen

FPD was founded in 2009, thanks the Regional Governament which granted its foundation on the basis of the activities planned for the social development of the regional rural areas. It is a non-profit regional civil organization, made by young and se .... Info

A propos de l'organisation localeFPD was founded in 2009, thanks the Regional Governament which granted its foundation on the basis of the activities planned for the social development of the regional rural areas. It is a non-profit regional civil organization, made by young and senior people. It's mission is to promote and facilitate the development of rural areas of the Puglia Region, thanks to the implementation of projects concerning volunteering, youth, social inclusion, environment protection, sustainable development, promotion of the importance of biodiversity, organic farming, nature and sport and outdoor activities. FPD focuses its attention on European mobility, both for the personal development of its single members and for the growth of local partner organizations at International level. The main target group is youth under 35 y.o., but the organization also works with senior people. Both the categories have in common the fact they are made of disadvantaged people from rural areas. The young people are mainly NEET, which means FPD offers them several opportunities to learn, be trained and educated at local and European level in order to enrich their curricula and get more chances for their job-placement or self-employment. FPD cooperates with several Public and Private entities at all levels, such as: a) Municipality of Taurisano (IT) - FPD cooperates in the organization of local events in several fields (waste collection, Music festivals, youth participation in decision making processes, cultural activities, music events, photo exhibitions....); b) Province of Lecce (IT) – FPD had a project concerning young people's involvement in local initiatives concerning ecology and biological food, re-use of different materials and recycle of waste; c) Region of Puglia (IT) – FPD cooperates with its Region on projects concerning promotion of natural resources of rural areas; d) Several EU NGOs are partners in the implementation of Youth Exchanges, Youth and Democracy projects, Training Courses, seminars, workshops, volunteering activties in different fields. What is more, FPD is member of numerous European Networks financed by the Europe for Citizens Programme, for the valorization of the EU Cultural Heritage (tangible, intangible, digital and natural), the promotion of Youth Mobility for learning, training, working, studying and volunteering abroad, the active participation (mainly digital participation) at EU level of youth and seniors.

Présentation du programmeAre you ready for a journey of self discovery? Would you like to discover the lifestyle of monks in the Bavarian forest? Would you like to Join us and experience an unforgettable adventure in our temple and farm community. Live alongside monks, ask them questions, experience mantra meditation, and sing and dance with joy. We offer an educational program to introduce you to temple life, and with a variety of activities like cow herding or gardening, there’s never a dull moment. 3 Days Ice-breaker. 7 Days live like Monk. Last 4 Days Reflection, Agriculture & Cow Care. Our monks in the temple follow principles that support spiritual life like; vegetarian diet & no intoxication like drugs, alcohol or cigarettes . Additionally, they meditate for about two hours daily. You witness firsthand how the monks live in the temple and participate directly in their activities. Through this program, you’ll learn discipline and determination that will enrich your life in countless ways.

A propos du logement sur placeAccommodation: The dormitory is clean and comfortable. We provide beds and mattresses, but if you’re interested in experiencing a simpler lifestyle, you are welcome to bring your sleeping bag. We can offer the option of sleeping on the floor with a yoga mat in the monks’ ashram. Food is a vital part of our lifestyle. We serve three sumptuous meals daily, offering a variety of dishes including rice, beans, legumes, vegetables, fruits, and bread. You can rest assured—you’ll never go hungry with us. We are happy to assist you in planning your journey and can arrange pickup

A propos des activités de loisirs possiblesThe training will center around the theme "Be a Monk Challenge." Activities may include mindfulness, community work, sustainable living, and cultural exchange—drawing inspiration from monastic traditions from the Vedas and designed to foster personal development & social skills Our goal is to promote a healthy lifestyle that helps individuals recognize their uniqueness, understand their true nature and inclinations, and cultivate openness and respect for all living beings, regardless of external differences. We hope to inspire everyone to go on an inner-journey of self-development

ExigencesThe Participant profile: - 18-30 years old. - Committed to spending 14 days (+ 2 travel days) in one of the most beautiful places in the Bavarian Forest in Germany, while maintaining a pure and mindful, healthy lifestyle. - Willing to enhance their German language skills or has a German level of B1. We also offer translation primarily in English or German if needed. All applications, regardless of background, religion, race, and nationality, are welcome. We do not force anyone to change their beliefs or personal nature. Our goal is to encourage everyone to develop acceptance, kindness, and respect toward all living beings in the world. For Participant-Selection we offer videocalls to get to know each other and we are ready to explain further details about the volunteering. To get an overview about our community visit our website:
Deadline: No application deadline

Informations supplémentaires sur le projetThe project is implemented under the European Solidarity Corps Programme, financed by the European Commission.
The participating organisations have to be mindful of these needs as they are responsible for providing a respectful and trusting hosting environment. At the same time, the organisations participating in the initiative devote a great deal of time, energy and resources to set up a high-quality activity; they should therefore expect that European Solidarity Corps participants show a similar level of respect for the local communities and the people that are directly concerned by the activities (
What do we provide ?

  • Training before and after the project
  • Health insurance during your project
  • round-trip travel reimbursement
  • accommodation and food
  • pocket money
  • language course
  • Return Week-end
  • Youth Pass and SVI international Volunteer passport

Before applying for this volunteering project, you need to enroll yourself at European Solidarity Corps Platform ( and specify your European Solidarity Corps Participant Number (PRN).
This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label.
Contact the ESC coordinator at +32 2 888 67 13 to get more informations.

Description de prixProjects from the european commission are free for volunteers

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Drapeau de AllemagneAllemagne: ESC: Christian Primary School in Görlitz
Date: du 2025-08-01 à 2026-07-31
Code de projet: DE-CVJML-DE43071
Type de projet: Corps européen de solidarité (ces-esc),Projet social
Attention,ce projet n'est accessible que dans le cadre du Service Volontaire Européen

The YMCA Landesverband Schlesische Oberlausitz e.V. is a Christian umbrella organization that involves several local YMCA organizations in and near Görlitz and since 1990 carries out its missionary work in various fields of activity. The main guidel .... Info

A propos de l'organisation localeThe YMCA Landesverband Schlesische Oberlausitz e.V. is a Christian umbrella organization that involves several local YMCA organizations in and near Görlitz and since 1990 carries out its missionary work in various fields of activity. The main guideline of the YMCA states that its work is essential, it perceives mankind as a unity of spirit, soul and body, in his relationship with himself, with other people, and with God. The main target groups of our work are children and youth but we try to respond to the needs of the local community and to the challenges of our time, that is why we have also started working with refugees and families with disabled children. We organize various activities on a regular basis for children and youth in the field of leisure, sports, music, and evangelism. We also organize seminars for volunteers and coworkers, summer camps, one or more day-long activities for the different target groups. DEUTSCHE VERSION - - - Der CVJM Schlesische Oberlausitz e.V. wurde im Jahre 1990 gegründet mit dem Motto „Klein – aber wenig“, das vor rund 10 Jahren von „lebendig, wendig, fromm“ abgelöst wurde, weil dies als treffender erschien. Der CVJM steht für leidenschaftlichen Glauben sowie die Liebe zu (jungen) Menschen und sieht diese als eine Einheit von Geist, Seele und Leib. Aus diesem Auftrag heraus hat der CVJM Landesverband Schlesische Oberlausitz folgende Tätigkeitsschwerpunkte für sich festgelegt: • Sozial orientierte offene Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen als anerkannter freier Träger der Jugendhilfe (Sozial- und Bildungsarbeit) • Christlich-missionarische Arbeit als Werk der Evangelischen Kirche Berlin-Brandenburg-Schlesische Oberlausitz • Grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit in der Euroregion Neiße und Weltdienstarbeit mit Partnern in Mittel- und Osteuropa, Israel sowie in Afrika. Die Arbeit geschieht in vielfältigen Formen der Jugendarbeit, der Jugendbildungs- und Jugendsozialarbeit, Kinderarbeit, Erwachsenenarbeit sowie Arbeit mit Menschen mit Behinderung und mit Geflüchteten: • Betreuung und Beratung der einzelnen Vereine sowie die örtlichen Gruppen der Jungen Gemeinde im Kirchengebiet. • Organisation und Durchführung von Freizeiten, Jugendwochen, Treffen, Jugendtagen und Mitarbeiterschulungen • Sport-, Musik-, Jungschararbeit • Arbeit mit jungen Erwachsenen, Familien, Alleinlebenden • Arbeit an Sachthemen wie Evangelisation, Frieden, Solidarität, Bewahrung der Schöpfung

Présentation du programmeThe Dietrich-Heise-Schule is an independent Protestant primary school. Children being between 6 - 10 are educated in an environment created by Christian colleagues. The volunteers get their main class, where they work until lunch-time supporting the teacher and helping the pupils who need special care. The School has a polish partner school so there are weekly meetings between the pupils of the schools. During these meetings the children work in TANDEM-teams, learning German or Polish. After the lessons, the children can eat lunch in the school, play outside and take part in various projects and workshops for example choir, musical, acrobatic, art, games. The volunteers supervise all these activities and have the opportunity to implement their own Ideas and Projekts with the children.

A propos du logement sur placeThe volunteer will live together with other EVS volunteers in a shared flat in the immediate project vicinity. Lunch is provided in the school. For the other meals, the volunteers will get money for food. Through short distances in the city, the volunteers get a bicycle

A propos des activités de loisirs possiblesThe volunteer takes part in an appropriate language course. They can also take part in seminars about youth work organized by the YMCA.

ExigencesThe Participant profile: Great interest to work with children aged 6 to 11 years. Team spirit, sportive and active person, willing to play with the children outside in the break and after lunch. German language skills, open for our Christian profile, able to build relationship with children and young people
Deadline: 30/06/2025 23:06

Informations supplémentaires sur le projetThe project is implemented under the European Solidarity Corps Programme, financed by the European Commission.
The participating organisations have to be mindful of these needs as they are responsible for providing a respectful and trusting hosting environment. At the same time, the organisations participating in the initiative devote a great deal of time, energy and resources to set up a high-quality activity; they should therefore expect that European Solidarity Corps participants show a similar level of respect for the local communities and the people that are directly concerned by the activities (
What do we provide ?

  • Training before and after the project
  • Health insurance during your project
  • round-trip travel reimbursement
  • accommodation and food
  • pocket money
  • language course
  • Return Week-end
  • Youth Pass and SVI international Volunteer passport

Before applying for this volunteering project, you need to enroll yourself at European Solidarity Corps Platform ( and specify your European Solidarity Corps Participant Number (PRN).
This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label.
Contact the ESC coordinator at +32 2 888 67 13 to get more informations.

Description de prixProjects from the european commission are free for volunteers

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Drapeau de AllemagneAllemagne: ESC: To make someones life- Lebenshof Ludwigsdorf
Date: du 2025-08-01 à 2026-07-31
Code de projet: DE-CVJML-DE43072
Type de projet: Corps européen de solidarité (ces-esc),Projet social
Attention,ce projet n'est accessible que dans le cadre du Service Volontaire Européen

The YMCA Landesverband Schlesische Oberlausitz e.V. is a Christian umbrella organization that involves several local YMCA organizations in and near Görlitz and since 1990 carries out its missionary work in various fields of activity. The main guidel .... Info

A propos de l'organisation localeThe YMCA Landesverband Schlesische Oberlausitz e.V. is a Christian umbrella organization that involves several local YMCA organizations in and near Görlitz and since 1990 carries out its missionary work in various fields of activity. The main guideline of the YMCA states that its work is essential, it perceives mankind as a unity of spirit, soul and body, in his relationship with himself, with other people, and with God. The main target groups of our work are children and youth but we try to respond to the needs of the local community and to the challenges of our time, that is why we have also started working with refugees and families with disabled children. We organize various activities on a regular basis for children and youth in the field of leisure, sports, music, and evangelism. We also organize seminars for volunteers and coworkers, summer camps, one or more day-long activities for the different target groups. DEUTSCHE VERSION - - - Der CVJM Schlesische Oberlausitz e.V. wurde im Jahre 1990 gegründet mit dem Motto „Klein – aber wenig“, das vor rund 10 Jahren von „lebendig, wendig, fromm“ abgelöst wurde, weil dies als treffender erschien. Der CVJM steht für leidenschaftlichen Glauben sowie die Liebe zu (jungen) Menschen und sieht diese als eine Einheit von Geist, Seele und Leib. Aus diesem Auftrag heraus hat der CVJM Landesverband Schlesische Oberlausitz folgende Tätigkeitsschwerpunkte für sich festgelegt: • Sozial orientierte offene Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen als anerkannter freier Träger der Jugendhilfe (Sozial- und Bildungsarbeit) • Christlich-missionarische Arbeit als Werk der Evangelischen Kirche Berlin-Brandenburg-Schlesische Oberlausitz • Grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit in der Euroregion Neiße und Weltdienstarbeit mit Partnern in Mittel- und Osteuropa, Israel sowie in Afrika. Die Arbeit geschieht in vielfältigen Formen der Jugendarbeit, der Jugendbildungs- und Jugendsozialarbeit, Kinderarbeit, Erwachsenenarbeit sowie Arbeit mit Menschen mit Behinderung und mit Geflüchteten: • Betreuung und Beratung der einzelnen Vereine sowie die örtlichen Gruppen der Jungen Gemeinde im Kirchengebiet. • Organisation und Durchführung von Freizeiten, Jugendwochen, Treffen, Jugendtagen und Mitarbeiterschulungen • Sport-, Musik-, Jungschararbeit • Arbeit mit jungen Erwachsenen, Familien, Alleinlebenden • Arbeit an Sachthemen wie Evangelisation, Frieden, Solidarität, Bewahrung der Schöpfung

Présentation du programmeThe goal of the Lebenshof project is to empower young people with fewer opportunities so that after a proper period of time they can take control and responsibility for their lives and have a future with perspective and the same opportunities as their agemates. Our offer is a combination of school and practical training called “Produktionsschule”. In this work, we involve the volunteers. The volunteer is involved in the educational work and supports the practical work of the young people in several workshops (pottery, wood, garden, domestic economy). Anticipated tasks: support and guidance for young people in the workshops, participation in the monthly training days for youths, personal support for the adolescents with learning difficulties in mathematics and English, participation in intercultural meetings and projects, participation in sustainability projects (urban gardening), work with refugees in the Lebenshof-Projekt in short-time projects, support and sale in the store.

A propos du logement sur placeThe volunteer will live together with other European and german volunteers in a shared flat in Görlitz. He/She will get a ticket for the regional traffic. Lunch will be provided in the project. For the other meals, he/She will get money for food. He/She can also use a bike.

A propos des activités de loisirs possiblesLanguage course in German, intercultural training, training for the youth leader card in Germany

ExigencesThe Participant profile: The volunteer should be equipped with a high level of sensibility, patience, and a sense of responsibility to deal with socially disadvantaged youngsters. Empathy and true interest in adolescents are helpful. For the workshops, it would be assistant to be good with one’s hands. We expect: the ability to work in a team, friendliness, independence, open-mindedness for Christian values, basic knowledge of German is an advantage.
Deadline: 30/06/2025 20:04

Informations supplémentaires sur le projetThe project is implemented under the European Solidarity Corps Programme, financed by the European Commission.
The participating organisations have to be mindful of these needs as they are responsible for providing a respectful and trusting hosting environment. At the same time, the organisations participating in the initiative devote a great deal of time, energy and resources to set up a high-quality activity; they should therefore expect that European Solidarity Corps participants show a similar level of respect for the local communities and the people that are directly concerned by the activities (
What do we provide ?

  • Training before and after the project
  • Health insurance during your project
  • round-trip travel reimbursement
  • accommodation and food
  • pocket money
  • language course
  • Return Week-end
  • Youth Pass and SVI international Volunteer passport

Before applying for this volunteering project, you need to enroll yourself at European Solidarity Corps Platform ( and specify your European Solidarity Corps Participant Number (PRN).
This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label.
Contact the ESC coordinator at +32 2 888 67 13 to get more informations.

Description de prixProjects from the european commission are free for volunteers

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Drapeau de AllemagneAllemagne: ESC: Youth work in the local school club-YMCA Kodersdorf
Date: du 2025-08-01 à 2026-07-31
Code de projet: DE-CVJML-DE43173
Type de projet: Corps européen de solidarité (ces-esc),Projet social
Attention,ce projet n'est accessible que dans le cadre du Service Volontaire Européen

The YMCA Landesverband Schlesische Oberlausitz e.V. is a Christian umbrella organization that involves several local YMCA organizations in and near Görlitz and since 1990 carries out its missionary work in various fields of activity. The main guidel .... Info

A propos de l'organisation localeThe YMCA Landesverband Schlesische Oberlausitz e.V. is a Christian umbrella organization that involves several local YMCA organizations in and near Görlitz and since 1990 carries out its missionary work in various fields of activity. The main guideline of the YMCA states that its work is essential, it perceives mankind as a unity of spirit, soul and body, in his relationship with himself, with other people, and with God. The main target groups of our work are children and youth but we try to respond to the needs of the local community and to the challenges of our time, that is why we have also started working with refugees and families with disabled children. We organize various activities on a regular basis for children and youth in the field of leisure, sports, music, and evangelism. We also organize seminars for volunteers and coworkers, summer camps, one or more day-long activities for the different target groups. DEUTSCHE VERSION - - - Der CVJM Schlesische Oberlausitz e.V. wurde im Jahre 1990 gegründet mit dem Motto „Klein – aber wenig“, das vor rund 10 Jahren von „lebendig, wendig, fromm“ abgelöst wurde, weil dies als treffender erschien. Der CVJM steht für leidenschaftlichen Glauben sowie die Liebe zu (jungen) Menschen und sieht diese als eine Einheit von Geist, Seele und Leib. Aus diesem Auftrag heraus hat der CVJM Landesverband Schlesische Oberlausitz folgende Tätigkeitsschwerpunkte für sich festgelegt: • Sozial orientierte offene Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen als anerkannter freier Träger der Jugendhilfe (Sozial- und Bildungsarbeit) • Christlich-missionarische Arbeit als Werk der Evangelischen Kirche Berlin-Brandenburg-Schlesische Oberlausitz • Grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit in der Euroregion Neiße und Weltdienstarbeit mit Partnern in Mittel- und Osteuropa, Israel sowie in Afrika. Die Arbeit geschieht in vielfältigen Formen der Jugendarbeit, der Jugendbildungs- und Jugendsozialarbeit, Kinderarbeit, Erwachsenenarbeit sowie Arbeit mit Menschen mit Behinderung und mit Geflüchteten: • Betreuung und Beratung der einzelnen Vereine sowie die örtlichen Gruppen der Jungen Gemeinde im Kirchengebiet. • Organisation und Durchführung von Freizeiten, Jugendwochen, Treffen, Jugendtagen und Mitarbeiterschulungen • Sport-, Musik-, Jungschararbeit • Arbeit mit jungen Erwachsenen, Familien, Alleinlebenden • Arbeit an Sachthemen wie Evangelisation, Frieden, Solidarität, Bewahrung der Schöpfung

Présentation du programmeOur Organisation, the YMCA Kodersdorf e.V. is a small Christian organization in Kodersdorf, near Görlitz. We are running a school club at the local school with students aged between 10 to 16 years. Our purpose is to create a place for students where they are enabled to be themselves and to grow in their personalities and talents. Further, we want to meet them with God´s love and give them the opportunity to get to know Christianity. Our work has different areas: sports, playing games, music, spending time with the students but also organization and logistics. The school club includes a small café opened during breaks and after lessons partly up to the evening. Every Friday we meet to do some more sports, cook and have dinner and devotion together. Usually, your working time will be from 8.30 am to 4 pm (Fridays from 11.00 to 8 pm) and will include a few weekends during the year.

A propos du logement sur placeYou will share a flat with other European volunteers. The flat will be located in Görlitz. You can go to work by public transportation. Cost for accommodation, food, and transportation will be covered.

A propos des activités de loisirs possiblesLanguage course

ExigencesThe Participant profile: You should like to work with young people and have empathy for them. Required: team spirit, outgoing personality, self-reliance, willingness to assume responsibility, you must be open to Christian values, skills either in sports/ handicraft work/ music, basic skills in the German language are helpful
Deadline: 01/06/2025 13:41

Informations supplémentaires sur le projetThe project is implemented under the European Solidarity Corps Programme, financed by the European Commission.
The participating organisations have to be mindful of these needs as they are responsible for providing a respectful and trusting hosting environment. At the same time, the organisations participating in the initiative devote a great deal of time, energy and resources to set up a high-quality activity; they should therefore expect that European Solidarity Corps participants show a similar level of respect for the local communities and the people that are directly concerned by the activities (
What do we provide ?

  • Training before and after the project
  • Health insurance during your project
  • round-trip travel reimbursement
  • accommodation and food
  • pocket money
  • language course
  • Return Week-end
  • Youth Pass and SVI international Volunteer passport

Before applying for this volunteering project, you need to enroll yourself at European Solidarity Corps Platform ( and specify your European Solidarity Corps Participant Number (PRN).
This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label.
Contact the ESC coordinator at +32 2 888 67 13 to get more informations.

Description de prixProjects from the european commission are free for volunteers

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Drapeau de AllemagneAllemagne: ESC: Ambassadors for Europe 2025/26
Date: du 2025-09-01 à 2026-08-31
Code de projet: DE-EUJE-DE43807
Type de projet: Corps européen de solidarité (ces-esc),Projet social,Projet educatif,Projet culturel
Attention,ce projet n'est accessible que dans le cadre du Service Volontaire Européen

Eurowerkstatt Jena e.V. is a non-profit association that was established in 2006. The goal of our organization is the creation of offers for young people to develop social and vocational abilities, particularly intercultural abilities. We want to sen .... Info

A propos de l'organisation localeEurowerkstatt Jena e.V. is a non-profit association that was established in 2006. The goal of our organization is the creation of offers for young people to develop social and vocational abilities, particularly intercultural abilities. We want to sensitise young people to their possibilities and chances they have within Europe. It is very important for us to promote intercultural aspects in the children and youth work of Jena, this is why we cooperate with other non-profit organizations, associations, kindergartens, schools and youth centers of the city. All our actions have the goal of promoting the idea of a united and peaceful Europe and to show the variety of the European culture especially through and for young people who will build up the next generation. Eurowerkstatt is working mainly as a supporting and hosting organization in the European ESC-programme. We are a partner of eurodesk and have trained staff in the field of international youth mobility. On one hand we support German youngster who want to go abroad and on the other hand we coordinate a big network of hosting projects in Jena. As the coordinating organization of this network, we are in charge of the application process, the prearrangements and the mentoring of the volunteers leaving or coming to Jena and the proper implementation of past, current and following ESC-projects. Besides, we also organize youth exchanges between German and Russian youngsters or intercultural learning opportunities. --- Eurowerkstatt Jena e.V. ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein, der 2006 gegründet wurde. Das Ziel unserer Arbeit ist die Schaffung von schulischen und außerschulischen Angeboten, um junge Menschen dabei zu unterstützen soziale, berufliche und interkulturelle Kompetenzen zu entwickeln. Wir möchten Jugendliche und junge Menschen für ihre Möglichkeiten und Chancen als Europäer*innen sensibilisieren. Die Internationalisierung der Jugendarbeit in Jena ist ein wichtiges Anliegen für uns, weshalb wir mit anderen gemeinnützigen Vereinen und Verbänden, Kindergärten, Schulen und Jugendzentren der Stadt kooperieren. Alle unserer Aktivitäten zielen darauf ab, die Grundwerte eines solidarischen und vereinten Europas zu vertreten und jungen Menschen die Vielfalt europäischer Kultur als Chance für eine friedliche Zukunft aufzuzeigen. Eurowerkstatt Jene e.V. ist hauptsächlich als entsendende und aufnehmende Organisation im EU-Programm Europäisches Solidaritätskorps tätig. Wir sind eurodesk-Partner und unsere Mitarbeiter*innen sind gut ausgebildet im Bereich der internationalen Jugendmobilität. Auf der einen Seite unterstützen wir junge Menschen aus Deutschland, die für einen Freiwilligendienst ins Ausland gehen möchten und auf der anderen Seite koordinieren wir ein großes Netzwerk an Aufnahmeprojekten für internationale Freiwillige in Jena. Hierbei sind wir insgesamt für den Bewerbungsprozess, die Vorbereitungen sowie die Begleitung und Betreuung der durch uns entsendeten oder bei uns aufgenommenen Freiwilligen, sowie für die Planung, Durchführung und Abrechnung von vergangenen, aktuellen und zukünftigen ESK-Projekten zuständig. Ergänzend hierzu führen wir auch regelmäßig ein Jugendaustauschprogramm zwischen Deutschland und Russland durch und bieten außerdem unterschiedliche interkulturelle Lernangebote für interessierte junge Menschen und Schulen in Jena an.

Présentation du programmeEurowerkstatt is working as a sending and hosting, but mainly coordinating organisation in the European ESC-Program. We coordinate the application process, the prearrangement and the mentoring of the 10-13 volunteers coming to Jena each year. We work together with 10 hosting projects in Jena, which are mainly active in the field of child and youth welfare or international youth work. The volunteers are involved in the daily work in kindergartens, youth centers or a sports club and get the chance to plan and organise their own projects. This gives you the opportunity to bring your culture closer not only to local children and young people but also to your new colleagues. Our goal is the creation of offers for young people, to develop social and vocational abilities, particularly intercultural abilities.

A propos du logement sur placeYou will stay in a shared flat with one or two other volunteers as your roommates. Everybody will have their own room but share the bathroom and kitchen together. The flats are furnished and there is everything you need for your daily life, such as dishes or a washing machine. We have five flats in two houses next to each other and near to the city center of Jena. There is also a large garden for barbecuing and relaxing. Basically, you don't have to pay for your voluntary service! We reimburse your travel costs, you don't have to pay rent and receive monthly pocket money.

A propos des activités de loisirs possiblesWe want to sensitize young people to the possibilities and chances they have as European citizens. The duration of a European Voluntary Service programme is 12 months. You have to work 30-35 hours per week on 5 days, but have 2 days off per month. At the beginning we organise a "month of orientation" to show you Jena and daily life in Germany. We will also organise three intercultural training days and other workshops for the group of volunteers in Jena. You will also take part in 2 training seminars lasting 5 to 7 days. At the end, you will get a Youthpass-certificate.

ExigencesThe Participant profile: We are looking for around 12 volunteers for our hosting projects in Jena from youth center to kindergartens and non-profit organizations. You can find more information on our website: Please download our application form, fill it in and send it to us: Mail-address: [email protected]
Deadline: 31/05/2025 23:59

Informations supplémentaires sur le projetThe project is implemented under the European Solidarity Corps Programme, financed by the European Commission.
The participating organisations have to be mindful of these needs as they are responsible for providing a respectful and trusting hosting environment. At the same time, the organisations participating in the initiative devote a great deal of time, energy and resources to set up a high-quality activity; they should therefore expect that European Solidarity Corps participants show a similar level of respect for the local communities and the people that are directly concerned by the activities (
What do we provide ?

  • Training before and after the project
  • Health insurance during your project
  • round-trip travel reimbursement
  • accommodation and food
  • pocket money
  • language course
  • Return Week-end
  • Youth Pass and SVI international Volunteer passport

Before applying for this volunteering project, you need to enroll yourself at European Solidarity Corps Platform ( and specify your European Solidarity Corps Participant Number (PRN).
This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label.
Contact the ESC coordinator at +32 2 888 67 13 to get more informations.

Description de prixProjects from the european commission are free for volunteers

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