The Consultative Commission of Youth Organizations – CCOJ
This commission is principally composed of representatives appointed by the confederations of recognized youth organizations, as Relie-F for which the SVI is administrative member. There are also representatives of youth organizations who are not members of recognized organizations and three experts designated by the government for their skills regarding youth policy.
Its missions:
- To permit reflections, proposals and the development of youth organizations sector
- To answer to opinion requests made by public bodies or to initiatives
- To formulate opinions about recognition and withdrawals recognition of youth organizations and groups
CCOJ sets up working groups and subcommittees, some of them are permanent. The subcommittees allow to treat in a more effective and targeted way the strong axis of the youth organizations work. CCOJ’s subcommittees are:
- “local youth policy”
- “childhood”
- “formation”
- “youth movement”
- “employment”
- “awareness-raising measures for citizen participation, democracy and the fight against extremism”
CCOJ organizes meetings at least 6 times a year and once a meeting with whole youth Organizations. It makes its decisions by simple majority of votes cast by present members, a minority note may be attached to its opinions and proposals.