Since November 2014, the SVI Belgium is member of the “Plate-forme francophone du Volontariat”.
This association is a non-profit one and aims at standing up for volunteers’ interests and promoting volunteering for the French-speaking part of Belgium (Federation Wallonia-Brussels, Regions of Wallonia and Brussels). |
It’s a pluralistic structure composed of more than 30 associations that are representative of the associative life and voluntary commitment: humanitarian action and international solidarity, social and judicial assistance, culture and leisure, environment, development and education, youth and seniors, health care, sport, currents of philosophy, family, … and includes more than 300,000 volunteers in the Federation of Wallonia-Brussels.
Contact details
Rue Royale, 11 – 1000 Bruxelles.
[email protected]
Pôle d’accueil social, rue Lamir, 29-31 – 7000 Mons.
Tél : 0474/06.98.22.
[email protected]
Permanence each 1st and 3rd Friday of the month
From 9am to 12pm or by appointment
Rue Samiette, 72 – 1400 Nivelles.
Tél: 0495/34.52.46.
[email protected]
Permanence each Friday
From 9am to 12, by appointment.
Rue de Bruxelles, 75 – 5000 Namur
Tél: 0497/99.53.25.
[email protected]
Only by appointment, on Thursday afternoon
Website :