2023 Incoming volunteer projects in Belgium

Posted by: elena Category: Non classé 0 Post Date: 2023-03-03

2023 Incoming volunteer projects in Belgium

Dear partner, we are happy to share with you our new volunteer projects for the year 2023.
You will find short duration projects (2 weeks) and long term projects (from 3 months to 1 year). All our projects are strictly non-commercial and supported by non-lucrative local structures.
You can send the applications for your volunteers to [email protected]. Please note, we do not accept candidates who are not a member of an international partner international volunteer association.


 Incoming brochure SVI 2023

Updated list of our projects : https://www.servicevolontaire.org/mission-volontariat/en/volunteer-projects-in-belgium/?nbpage=1 

Nous avons hâte de vous rencontrer !

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