The SVI guides you through a set of training courses to prepare you for your voluntary project. But not only!
Volunteering is not an end in itself, it is the first step of the great adventure we want to take you on.
Teaching is one of our main preoccupations. That is why we offer a diverse range of training courses through which we get to exchange, debate, and think about several subjects such as interculturalism, fears and preconceptions before going on a voluntary project, solidarity, commitment, etc.
These training courses will empower you to contribute to the development of a committed, responsible, critical, active, and united citizenship. They will give you tools so that together we can debate, spread messages, make our voice be heard, and become the actors of tomorrow’s society.
You’re not in school, here. Don’t expect to sit on a bench for hours, writing stuff and hearing the clock ticking. Our teaching approach is different, based on non-formal education.
What is non-formal education?
Just because you’re not in a classroom, doesn’t mean you’re not learning! In fact, you’re always learning, in every moment of your life. Although our training courses are part of a specific framework, their aim is not to assess your abilities. This volunteering-based idea consists in starting from your experiences and your ideas in order to create knowledge together and develop soft-skills. These new skills will add up to those you already learnt in formal situations. In short, by taking part in our training sessions, you’ll get to test, improve, and discover skills.
What are the topics covered by these training courses?
Our team of moderators will host several modules (pre-departure trainings, civic trainings, and many others, online or not) that will guide you in a playful and creative way to the core of our current preoccupations.
We want you to become an integral part of the SVI!
Becoming a member of the SVI means understanding the key-aspects of our association and getting involved in its life. Through these training sessions, you’ll get to become a committed volunteer, moderator, team leader, or even an administrator of the association. Any member of the SVI has access to these opportunities.
For more information about our teaching approach, click here!