LOJIQ Québec

Présentation de LOJIQ (Québec Canada)

LOJIQ’s History

In Quebec, youth mobility represents more than 45years of history. In 1968, the first office, l’Office franco-québécois pour la jeunesse (OFQJ) started and opened the way for the establishment of three other offices, enabling young adults from Quebec or France to achieve projects on each other’s land.

L’Office Québec Wallonie Bruxelles pour la jeunesse (OQWBJ) has emerged in 1984 and supports youth mobility projects between Quebec and Wallonia-Brussels. In 2000, l’Office Québec-Amériques pour la jeunesse (OQAJ) has been launched and gives support to young people from Quebec in their project realization in the Americas.

The creation of the Office Québec-Monde pour la jeunesse (OQMJ) in 2009, that opens among others the doors of Europe and Asia to Quebec’s people, completed the Quebec offer regarding international youth mobility.

More than 150 000 of the Quebec people have joined in stays abroad thanks to one of these Offices.

Go abroad with the help of LOJIQ

It’s a powerful educational tool and an instrument of employability open on the world. Each year, LOJIQ permits more than 4000 young or adults from Quebec to internationally accomplish projects on nearly 200 territories. LOJIQ is also contributing to the hosting of more than 3000 foreigners in Quebec. The Minister of international relations and for La Francophonie is in charge of LOJIQ.

Do not hesitate to get in touch and obtain advice, possibly financial assistance to carry out internship or voluntary work.

Two service points


934, Ste-Catherine Est,
Montreal (Quebec)
H2L 2E9
Phone : (514) 873-4255
Phone : 1 800 465-4255
Fax : (514) 873-0067
[email protected]
Metro : Berri-UQAM or Beaudry station
Office opening hours: from Monday to Friday
9am to 12pm
1pm to 5pm


265, rue de la Couronne
Bureau 200
Quebec (Quebec)
G1K 6E
Phone : (418) 644-2750
Phone : 1 800 465-4255
Fax : (418) 644-2953
Office opening hours: from Monday to Friday
9am to 12pm
1pm to 5pm